Chad Michael Collins took time out from his career in film and television acting to advocate for safety in Watertown Cable’s “Drawing with Fred.”
The following was provided by the producers of Watertown Cable’s Drawing With Fred:
Actor Chad Michael Collins has portrayed a variety of characters in his career. They range from a heroic solider to the Frankenstein monster. He steps into the role of safety advocate on the award winning series Drawing With Fred.
In a water safety segment titled, Sign Up for Safety, Collins notes the importance of reading signage posted at the beach. He also became a comic book character who wins the admiration of Olive Oyl in a parody of a Popeye cartoon. This segment was illustrated by David Hudon and series’ host Fred M. Grandinetti. Both of Collin’s segments for Drawing With Fred can be viewed at https://www.facebook.com/DrawingWithFred/

Actor Chad Michael Collins appeared in safety advocate promos on the Watertown Cable series “Drawing With Fred.”
Collins’ television appearances include performances on; Bones, Freakish, Blue Bloods, 2 Broke Girls, Once Upon a Time and Extinct. He is best known for portraying Gunnery Sgt. Brandon Beckett in the Sniper film franchise. In his latest film, Howlers, he plays a gunfighter named Colt who tangles with a gang of horrific werewolves.