Watertown Boys & Girls Club Advocates for Funding on Beacon Hill, Rep. Lawn Honored as Champion of Youth

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State Rep. John Lawn, center, was honored as the House Champion of Youth on March 26 at the State House. He posed with the Watertown Boys & Girls Club’s Club Director Anthony Parker, left, and WBGC Executive Director Gary Beatty, right. (Contributed Photo)

The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Boys & Girls Club:

On March 26, Representatives of Watertown Boys & Girls Club joined their colleagues from across the state for the Massachusetts Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs’ 22nd Annual Legislative Luncheon and Advocacy Day at the State House on Beacon Hill. Club staff, youth members, boards of directors, and elected officials were in attendance from across the Commonwealth. The event featured remarks from State Representative John Lawn, State Senator Brendan Crighton, State Senator Michael Rodrigues, Boys & Girls Club of America Hall of Famer “Marvelous” Marvin McIntyre, and Haybi Garcia, 2024 Massachusetts Youth of the Year and alumnus of the Waltham Boys & Girls Club.

“The Mass Alliance Day of Advocacy is a hugely important event in our Club’s annual calendar” said Watertown Boys & Girls Club Executive Director, Gary Beatty. “It provides an invaluable opportunity for us to share directly with our state legislators the impact Boys & Girls Clubs make on the lives of our members every single day and why continued investment in support of our Clubs through state funding is so critical to our success.”

The event highlighted and celebrated the important role Clubs play in their communities: providing after-school and out-of-school time programming, offering social and emotional support to kids and teens, serving hundreds of thousands of meals to those in need, and providing childcare to working families. The Alliance also took the opportunity to call upon the legislature to support their $4 million budget request for FY2026, which will help Clubs to continue serving nearly 112,000 youth kids at 64 Club sites across the Commonwealth.

Joining staff and board members from Watertown Boys & Girls Club at the event were members of the local legislative delegation, including State Representative Steve Owens and Representative John Lawn.

State Rep. Steve Owens met with Watertown Boys & Girls Club Executive Director Gary Beatty, left, and Club Director Anthony Parker, right, at the Massachusetts State House. (Contributed Photo)

As part of the event, the Alliance bestowed Representative Lawn and Senator Crighton with its 2025 House and Senate Champion of Youth Awards, in recognition of their tireless advocacy on behalf of Boys & Girls Clubs on Beacon Hill.

Born and raised in Watertown, Rep. Lawn has represented the 10th Middlesex District — which includes parts of Watertown, Waltham, and Newton — since 2011, and he currently serves as House Chair of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing. Representative Lawn is a long- time supporter of the Boys & Girls Clubs in his district and is an alumnus of the Watertown Club.

“I am truly humbled and honored to be named this year’s ‘Champion of Youth’ by the Massachusetts Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs,” said Representative John J. Lawn, Jr. (D – Watertown). “As someone who spent so much of my own childhood at the Watertown Boys & Girls Club, I know firsthand how vital these organizations are. They provided me with not just a place to go after school, but the support, guidance, and community that helped shape who I am today. This award means so much to me because it reflects the incredible work being done across the Commonwealth to give every child the same opportunities I had to grow, learn, and succeed. I’m proud to stand with the Boys & Girls Clubs and continue to fight for a future where every young person can reach their fullest potential.”
Born and raised in Lynn, Senator Crighton attended Lynn public schools and is long-time supporter of the Boys & Girls Club of Lynn. After college, Senator Crighton joined State Senator Thomas McGee’s staff on Beacon Hill as a legislative aide before launching his political career in Lynn, winning a City Council seat in 2009. In 2014, Senator Crighton was elected to represent
the 11th Essex District in the House of Representatives, where he served for three years. He was elected to the Massachusetts State Senate in 2018, where he currently serves as the Chair of the Joint Committee on Transportation and the Chair of the Senate Committee on Juvenile and Emerging Adult Justice.

“I am honored to be chosen as this year’s Senate Champion of Youth at the Massachusetts Alliance of Boys & Girls Club Legislative Reception,” said Senator Brendan Crighton. “Boys & Girls Clubs throughout the state work tirelessly to ensure young people have every opportunity to reach their potential and be successful, and I am proud to play a small part in the impactful difference they make. I am especially grateful for the incredible team at our club in the City of Lynn.”  

The event also celebrated the Massachusetts Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs, which was named the 2024 State Alliance of the Year by Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The prestigious award is given annually to a State Alliance that has at least 90% of the non-military Boys & Girls Club organizations in its state participate in the Alliance and that demonstrates excellence in many of
the following areas: oversight of state funding to assure public trust; promotes and strengthens Clubs’ relationships with public and private agencies throughout the state; expands quality youth development; develops and implements a comprehensive legislative strategy and grassroots advocacy campaign; increase and diversify State funding; and active and engaged Alliance Board of Directors and Clubs.

“We are so proud to be named State Alliance of the Year. This award would not have been possible without the dedication of our Clubs and Board of Directors, our partner advocates, lobbyists, and our legislative champions on Beacon Hill. We are truly grateful for all their support,” commented Aldworth.

Also speaking during the event was Haybi Garcia, alumnus of the Waltham Boys & Girls Club and the Alliance’s 2024 Massachusetts Youth of the Year. A graduate of Waltham High School, and a first-generation college student, Haybi is now a Freshmen at Messina/Boston College.

“Advocacy can look different for everyone. However, just one voice often isn’t loud enough. A collective group of people is louder and together can change a community while helping and lifting each other up,” said Garcia.

About Watertown Boys & Girls Club

Watertown Boys & Girls Club provides over 75,000 hours of supervised programming and activities to its 1000+ members each year at its Clubhouse located at 25 Whites Avenues in Watertown MA. The Club is a member of the Massachusetts Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs, which works with state government to secure ongoing public support for Club programs across the Commonwealth. The Alliance includes 40 Clubs across the State – which serve over 112,000 children and teens at 64 Club sites.

For more information, visit:
Website: https://watertownbgc.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WatertownBoysandGirlsClub
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/watertownbgc

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