Watertown Cable Show Focuses on Accessory Dwelling Units & Upcoming Community Dialogue

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Cliff Cook (far right) from the Watertown Affordable Housing Trust, and Allison Eck, of Watertown Community Converstations, talked about the upcoming ADU Community Dialogue with Inside Watertown hosts Bob Airasian (left) and Charlie Breitrose. (Screenshot from Watertown Cable)

The latest episode of Inside Watertown focused on the discussion over accessory dwelling units (ADUs), which are sometimes called in-law units or granny units. The guests on the Watertown Cable show talked about the upcoming community dialogue

Cliff Cook, a member of the Watertown Affordable Housing Trust, explained what ADUs are, and how Watertown has complied with the State’s recently added zoning requirement to allow the units. However, the input from the dialogue will help City officials decide if Watertown wants to go farther and allow ADUs in more situations.

The Community Dialogue on Monday, March 24 will be led by Watertown Community Conversations (WCC), explained Allison Eck, a facilitator with WCC. After a short presentation, attendees will break up into groups for a discussion facilitated by members of WCC. At the end, everyone will gather for a large-group summary. WCC has been involved in other projects in Watertown, including organizing the Kitchen Table Conversations around the planning for changes to the zoning of Watertown Square.

The March 24 ADU Community Dialog will be held at The Apartments at Coolidge School, 319 Arlington St., from 6 to 8:30 p.m.. Light food and beverages will be served at the beginning of the event.

Click here to register for the Community Dialogue.

Inside Watertown is co-hosted by Bob Airasian and Charlie Breitrose.

See the full episode of Inside Watertown on Watertown Cable’s website by clicking here: http://vodwcatv.org/CablecastPublicSite/show/3753?site=1

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