Greetings Councilors:
Our community should be very appreciative of Ms. Linda Scott’s initiative for a Public Records Request, specific to the proposed Watertown City Logo; kudos. Herein, as followup to Ms. Scott’s material, I offer my two cents to the process.
More fun facts …, follow the money …
The Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for HR Contracted Services Acct. 0115252-530303 was funded for $32,720, starting on 07/01/2023. The 11/17/23 Transfer of Funds Request, for the account, was for an additional $15,000.
As per the 11/17/23, narrative of the Request: “97% accounted for already”. Maybe encumbered? Unknown to who the funds were disbursed.
The 11/17/23 three page Human Resources Budget Transfer submission is as follows: https://watertownma.portal.civicclerk.com/event/5322/files/report/374
The attached minutes of the 11/27/23 City Council meeting make no mention of Councilor questions, etc. during the discussion for the $15,000 Contracted Services Transfer of Funds Request. Also, there are no followup Requests for Information, under Agenda Item 11.
Let’s not forget: for those of us who participated in the ZOOM, and in-person, Committee on Personnel and City Organization Meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 12th, after my ad-lib comments, Mr. Proakis finally acknowledged the expenditure of “… no more than $20,000 ... .” I would presume the amount is for the Logo design services rendered to date. There was no further clarification by Mr. Proakis; nor was the dialogue a Q&A, that would have allowed for followup.
During the Committee Meeting, Mr Proakis and Mr.Tyler Cote, spoke about the standard grading used for a Flash Vote Survey. Attached is a 10/16/24 email that speaks of: “We will use the Likert Scales” for the [10/17-19/24] Logo Survey. Make special note of the criteria. The powers that be must really think the electorate is quite gullible.
So …, according to personnel documents, Sebastian Ellington Ebarb (Design), a.k.a. SEED & Nahi, was hired on 02/20/24. Based on an email, services were being rendered one year prior, on 02/28/23, for design of a “seal”.
email from jostroff to Sebastian Ebarb February 28, 2023
“Hello Sebastian,
Thank you for the info you sent us about designing a new seal for Watertown. The City and Deputy Managers think a seal should be a longtime process if the City Council decides to go in that direction.”
Interesting! Who put in motion, and paid for, a conversation to discuss a new “seal” for the City of Watertown? On 03/26/23, communication stated: “Please note that the [logo] project does not affect the City seal, which will continue to be used for official purposes.”
From Mr. Ebarb’s bio, one could discern a previous business and academia acquaintance with Mr. Proakis. Where was the open public process?
(Links: https://sebastianebarb.com, https://camd.northeastern.edu/people/sebastian-ebarb/, https://nahimade.com/about)
Who knew what; and when? More fun to come …
Angeline Maria B. Kounelis
Retired District A, East End, City Councilor