LETTER: Questions About What’s Happening in Washington DC

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Dear Editor,

It appears that Americans are no longer seeking domestic tranquility and peace among nations, especially our allies. Certain media is reporting that the U.S. President is or has changed America’s policy and opinion in favor of a Federal, Semi-Presidential Republic under an Authoritarian Dictatorship.    

We know a Dictatorship form of governmental control has existed since man was first born.  I liken what is happening in America today to the reigns of the two French Kings Louis XIII, recognized for increasing the Power of the Monarchy, and Louis the XIV, Known as the “Sun King” for his Absolute Rule.

The Three Musketeers served under both of these Kings, and notably were not good or bad, but rather complex characters with flaws, loyal only to each other and their King. Apparently, the dark side of the Musketeers prevailed and they went to Hell.

Their New Leader, needing a group to do his bidding, somehow found a portal out of Hell for the Musketeers. Coming from Hell, they had quadrupled in number.

Satisfied he had sufficient number of Musketeers, the Leader launched an all-out war on the U.S. Intuitions that restrained him from deviating outside of established norms.

Americans, weakened by a general lack of knowledge of their Constitution; how their Republic Democracy and Bureaucracy works for them, do not ask simple basic questions regarding the Musketeers. Who is paying the Musketeers salaries, Tax Payers or Private Dollars? Are they Contract Workers; has the President designated them as Special Governmental Employees as he did with Musk? Or did Musk, Unconstitutionally, appoint them Special Government Employees?

Have they been given unbridled authority and by whom?

Wouldn’t  you wish to know? 

Clyde L. Younger
Watertown Resident

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