The City of Watertown announced that residents can apply to serve on the Human Rights Commission. See the announcement provided by the City below.
City Manager George J. Proakis is seeking residents to serve on the Human Rights Commission. Interested applicants should complete and submit a Universal Application.
The Human Rights Commission (HRC) works to ensure that all persons enjoy equal opportunity to participate in local affairs, including but not limited to housing, employment, education, public accommodation, access to City services regardless of race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, citizenship, age, religion, disability, health status, marital or familial status, military or veteran status, socioeconomic status, ex-offender status, genetic and/or protected class status. The Commission promotes human rights in Watertown through outreach, dialogue, educational forums, the development of an Action Plan, serving as a resource to persons with concerns of discrimination within the City, recommending policies or resolutions for adoption by the City Council, City Manager or other City departments, boards, councils or commissions.
Please consider applying for this vacancy if you are a Watertown resident with concerns about the erosion of the focus on human rights at the federal level!
Why don’t you apply?
Because I no longer live in Watertown. I was involved in the original initiative to create a HRC in 2000 and I’m very glad it’s finally in place here. God knows it’s necessary more than ever in these times. Why don’t you?
Right. I had figured as much for sometime.
So, you don’t reside in Watertown, do not pay its taxes and do not (cannot) vote in Our local elections. Nevertheless, you have perennially commented in this Watertown community forum about every single thing that goes on in Our beloved City, while not having skin in the game.
It is a free country. Anyone one can write almost anything virtually anywhere. But there is a significant difference between a concerned resident voicing concerns and opinions and a busybody with no standing.
As to your question about HRC, giving your self-declared non-resident status, what I do with Our HRC is, frankly, none of your business.
It’s no secret that I no longer live in my hometown for reasons which couldn’t be less of your business. I continue to comment because I continue to care about Watertown after decades of public service there, none of which you have apparently ever done. It’s so much easier to only rant here than to actually be part of the solution. I’ll keep commenting despite having triggered your sensitivities. You keep ranting!
Some people have no solutions and prefer to rant. Perhaps it is their only hobby.
One would think that continuing to care about one’s hometown, where one has invested quite a bit of energy, would be considered a positive thing by most people.
And some people find it difficult, or choose to avoid, to stay on the subject at hand. It is about HRC, I thought.
How is the HRC agenda going?
The subject is seeking residents to serve on the HRC. Follow the thread and see where it went off the rails, and why. It’s so easy to demonize those who choose to serve, as opposed to those who simply choose to rant and rave. The basic principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion of all people are under clear attack by Trump and Musk and MAGA. Time for good people to stand up and say so, whether they live in Watertown or not. I serve as a volunteer ESOL instructor in Revere where I currently live in order to help all immigrants to have a better life, as my ancestors were able to experience.
It is not ranting. Just calling you out.
And I do not get triggered, as I do not believe in DEI. No safe room for me either.
“Calling me out” for stating facts.
And “not triggered” despite all evidence to the contrary.
Got it!
Quotations are wrong and superfluous in “Calling me out”. “Calling you out” is OK. Just trying keep the grammar bit as it should be.
We’ll let the “not triggered” faux pas alone at the moment.