The following information was provided by the Sullivan Scholarship Committee:
Announcing the 57th Lt. Paul J. Sullivan Scholarship, which is awarded in memory of Paul Sullivan, a Watertown-native who died serving in the Vietnam.
Information about the Lt. Paul J. Sullivan Scholarship is online:
The application deadline is Thursday, April 17, 2025
The top scholarship is $5,500. Additional scholarships will be awarded. Last year there were 10 scholarships totaling $32,000.
We are looking for student-athletes who are actively involved in their school, religion, and community. All Watertown students, from any area high school, who meet the requirements, are eligible.
Students from Newton, Waltham, Belmont and Cambridge who live within the areas of Sacred Heart (Newton), Sacred Heart (Watertown), St. Mary (Waltham), St. Patrick (Watertown) are
also eligible. Given changes over the years, students from collaboratives that include these parishes are eligible.
If you have any questions please contact Meg Sullivan Timperi at mstimperi@gmail.com