Police Log: Shoplifter Busted for Multiple Thefts, 2 Checks Rewritten & Cashed

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The following information was provided by the Watertown Police Department.

Jan. 2, 9 a.m.: A package was stolen containing two items that cost $20. The item went missing from the Watertown Housing Authority building on Waverley Avenue. 

Jan. 2: A man was spotted taking three pairs of headphones worth a combined $340. He also had a warrant for his arrest. Ivan Amaker, 61, of Cambridge, was arrested on a charge of larceny and the warrant for disorderly conduct and assault and battery. 

Jan. 3: A Harden Avenue resident sent a check on Dec. 20, and it cleared on the 26th. Later the resident realized the check was changed to $13,000. 

Jan. 5, 10:30 a.m.: A resident was applying for a loan and was speaking to someone who was supposed to be a representative of Lending Tree. The person asked the resident to go to Walmart and buy $165 in gift cards and provide the serial numbers to help process the loan. The resident realized it was a scam and reported it. 

Jan. 5, 3:30 p.m.: A man went into Target and took three packages of protein powder and concealed them in his backpack. They cost a total of $158. 

Jan. 6: A woman was seen taking merchandise from Target. Security also saw her taking items on Dec. 21, 22, 23, and 29. Jacqueline Bowman, 69 of Dorchester, was arrested on a charge of larceny by a single scheme.

Jan. 6, 8 p.m.: A woman parked in the Arsenal Yards parking lot and came back and found her cellphone had been taken. She had left the vehicle unlocked, and left the phone on the front seat.

Jan. 7: A driver on Galen Street saw a black motorcycle pass her on the right side, and when it did, the rider struck the side mirror with his hand, damaging the mirror. The incident is under investigation.

Jan. 8, 8 p.m.: A resident sent a check and it was intercepted and washed it, changing the amount to $22,500. It was cashed in the Bronx, New York. The incident is under investigation. 

Jan 9: A man wen into Best Buy and took three Fire TV sticks with a combined value of $150. 

Jan. 10: A man took multiple items from Target and put them in a backpack before walking out without paying. 

Jan. 10, 4 p.m.: A man took $194 worth of merchandise from Target. 

Jan. 11: A woman was spotted taking $232 in merchandise from Target.

Jan. 12: A man took 12 packs of paper towels from the CVS on Mt. Auburn Street and walked out without paying. They cost a total of $35. 

9 thoughts on “Police Log: Shoplifter Busted for Multiple Thefts, 2 Checks Rewritten & Cashed

  1. “A man took 12 packs of paper towels from the CVS”
    What does someone need with 12 packs of paper towels? Oh ya, if the new president-elect lets us all experience the pleasure of another pandemic then they will come in handy… you know, when everyone runs out of toilet paper.
    Then you have the woman who steals from Target just about everyday, And she’s 69!
    Shouldn’t she be retired from that by now?
    I expect all of this to keep getting worse now that we are re-electing criminals as president.

    • Aren’t these delinquents a product of the Liberal Left One Party government which releases criminals again and again without consequences in the name of DEI.

      I will make sure my American flag flies full mast on the 2Oth. Big time reelection! Don’t run out of Kleenex – or toilet paper, depending how this may affect you.

      • “Liberal Left One Party” – that’s a good one! And using DEI in the same sentence is impressive. Points off for not throwing in “woke” – but no one is perfect.

        I’ll be sure to fly my flag at half-mast out of respect for a deceased President. It’s beyond pathetic that Trump is such a snowflake that he even thought about this. But it’s part for the course.

  2. Good grief, people shoplift in Massachusetts because they get off with a slap on the wrist at best…and this goes for repeat offenders. The lawmakers here have the attitude that businesses should have robust insurance to cover these losses.

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