Watertown residents can apply to be on the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee. See more details, below.
City Manager George J. Proakis is inviting Watertown residents to apply for membership on the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee. Interested applicants should complete and submit a Universal Application.
The Planning Board is involved in long and short-range planning as well as implementation of the City’s land use regulations. Under the provisions of the Zoning Code (Title XV, C.155), the Planning Board considers applications for site plan review and some special permits and makes recommendations to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the City Council on other zoning and land use matters. Candidates should have a background in planning, architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, law, construction, or any related fields.
The Zoning Board of Appeals plays an important role in the implementation of the City’s land use regulations. Under the provisions of the Zoning Code (Title XV, C.155), the Board of Appeals reviews and issues decisions on appeals, variances, and certain special permits, often working in consultation with the Planning Board. Candidates should have a background in law, planning, architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, construction, or any related fields.
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee works to promote non-motorized transportation in Watertown. The primary activities of the Committee are advocacy for the interests of bicyclists and pedestrians in road construction projects; sponsorship and organization of special bicycling events; advocacy for improved bicycle parking facilities; promotion of commuting alternatives; and providing relevant materials, both online and printed, for bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists.