Here’s the updated daily weather forecast for Watertown, MA, from Thursday, November 14 to Thursday, November 21 by Meteorologist Matthew Moll of New England Weather Consulting:
This period will feature a mix of sunny and cloudy days, with a few chances for very light rain, especially later in the week. There are still no significant rainfall events showing up for the Watertown area. The weather will remain relatively mild during the daytime, though nights will become colder, with temperatures dipping into the 30s and low 40s.
- Thursday, November 14: Mostly cloudy with highs near 47°F. A few sunny breaks are possible in the afternoon. Winds will be from the southwest at 7-10 mph, making it feel cooler. Evening lows will drop to about 40°F, with partly cloudy skies overnight.
- Friday, November 15: Partly sunny with highs near 50°F. Winds will be light from the northwest at 5-6 mph, making for a pleasant day. Evening temperatures will dip to around 42°F under mostly cloudy skies, leading into a calm and mild night. A 30% chance of rain in the evening as the result of a storm system backing in from the east.
- Saturday, November 16: Mostly sunny with highs around 55°F. Expect a cloudy day with gusty winds, around 15-20 mph from the west. By evening, temperatures will fall to 44°F, with cloudy skies continuing into the night.
- Sunday, November 17: Partly cloudy with highs near 58°F. Light winds will be coming from the northwest at 6-8 mph, providing a slightly cooler feel in the afternoon. Evening lows will drop to about 41°F under partly cloudy skies, setting up a chilly night.
- Monday, November 18: Cloudy skies with a slight chance of light rain or drizzle in the afternoon. Highs will reach around 54°F. Winds will be from the northeast at 7-10 mph, making it feel cooler. Temperatures will drop to around 42°F in the evening as skies remain overcast.
- Tuesday, November 19: Mostly cloudy with highs around 56°F. Winds will be light from the northwest at 5-6 mph, offering a calm day. Temperatures will drop to about 38°F in the evening, with clear skies continuing overnight.
- Wednesday, November 20: Partly sunny with highs near 52°F. Winds will be light from the southwest at 6-8 mph. A few clouds will increase throughout the day, along with a 20 % chance of showers by late afternoon. Evening temperatures falling to 40°F under cloudy skies.
- Thursday, November 21: Mostly cloudy with highs around 50°F. Winds from the south at 8-10 mph will keep the day slightly cooler. Expect a chance of light rain showers late in the day, with lows near 41°F in the evening as clouds linger.
Being Friday morning and the temp is 33* outside @ 7:30 I don’t think I will be giving this much of a look again.
Nice idea though