Watertown Police Investigating Stabbing on Mt. Auburn St.

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Watertown Police are investigating a stabbing that occurred on Tuesday that sent one person to the hospital. The WPD sent out the following announcement on Facebook:

At 5 p.m. (Tuesday), the Watertown Police Department responded to a stabbing at the intersection of Mt. Auburn St. and Boylston St.

The victim was approached by three males, which led to an altercation during which the victim was stabbed in the lower back. The victim has been transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

This incident does not appear to be random, and the Watertown Police are actively investigating.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call 617-972-6500.

5 thoughts on “Watertown Police Investigating Stabbing on Mt. Auburn St.

  1. “The victim was stabbed in their lower back.” Are you being pronoun appropriate, or is it a typo?

    Charlie: Just trying to clarify, nothing else.

  2. Reminder comments must be signed with your full name. A question came in about which of the 2 Boylston intersections with Mt. Auburn is the location of the stabbing. I will have to check with police.

    • Agree. Perhaps a dispute among shoplifters over the loot from CVS, or Best Buy, or Target, etc., etc.

      No longer the Watertown we used to know.

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