The following announcement was provided by the City of Watertown:
Massachusetts Department of Transportation is leading two exciting projects to transform Newton Corner.
If you travel through the area on your way in/out of Watertown, you may be interested in learning more and providing input. Please let your voice be heard on how you use Newton Corner to connect to your public transit trips to improve your commute; the quality and safety of walking and cycling through; how you think overall safety and comfort can be addressed; how you best see sidewalks, parks, public space & destinations in the study area being used; and what your own long-term transit & commuting vision is for the area.
The Newton Corner Improvements Project construction is starting! This study of short- and mid-term traffic signal and interchange improvements is addressing safety and operational deficiencies, based on recent public outreach/workshops. Get the detailed plans, presentations, and project information.
The Long-Term Planning Study will develop and analyze transportation alternatives to improve roadways and ramps in and around Mass Pike Exit 127 (formerly Exit 17). Building off the Improvements Project, the study will consider long-term means to improve safety, congestion, accessibility, mobility, connectivity, and quality of life in the study area, which includes much of Watertown. The City administration, Watertown Transportation Management Association, and some of our elected officials are on the study’s working group. You can see detailed plans, learn about the project, and sign up for updates. Please send your questions and comments to planning@dot.state.ma.us.
Please follow the websites for upcoming public events. The first public info meeting for the Long-Term Study is Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 6:30pm on Zoom. Please register to obtain the Zoom link.