Police Log: Two Cars Vandalized, Multiple Packages Taken

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The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Police Department.

Sept. 9, 4:40 a.m.: An officer patrolling on Arsenal Street heard a man yelling. He was arguing with another person and the officer went to speak with both of them. When Police did a background check on the man they found he had a warrant for his arrest. James Fenton, 46, of Boston, was arrested on the warrant out of Quincy District Court.

Sept. 9, 11 a.m.: The property manager at Citizens Bank on Mt. Auburn Street discovered a hole in the wall of the ATM vestibule. The hole was six inches high and one foot wide.

Sept. 9, 1:44 p.m.: A resident parked a black Hyundai parked at an electric car charger on Howard Street and when the person returned someone had etched a large X and “F— You” on the front bumper.

Sept. 9, 7 p.m.: A package was taken from a home on Dexter Avenue. It contained an iPhone Max valued at $1,200. It was delivered by FedEx on Aug. 26 but was missing when the resident went to collect it.

Sept. 10, 10 a.m.: A package was taken from the Howe Building on the campus of Perkins School for the Blind. The package contained an iPad Pro 11 worth $1,200. Police are investigating.

Sept. 10, 1 p.m.: A car at the Tesla Service Center on Pleasant Street had the driver-side rear window smashed. The damage occurred between Sept. 6 and 9. Nothing was taken from the car. The cost of repair is $400.

Sept. 10, 3 p.m.: A woman entered the Nike Store and took $233 worth of clothing. She stuffed the items into a black bag that she brought with her.

Sept. 11 4:37 p.m.: A package was delivered to a home on Robert Ford Road on Sept. 10, but it was not there when the resident went to get it. It contained supplements valued at $147.

Sept. 13, 10:40 a.m.: A man went into Nike and took off his own shoes, put on a pair of Nike Air Max shoes and then placed his old shoes in a box and put them back on the shelf. He left without paying for the shoes, valued at $110.

Sept. 13, 1:22 p.m.: A woman walked into CVS on Mt. Auburn Street and took $40 worth of cosmetics.

3 thoughts on “Police Log: Two Cars Vandalized, Multiple Packages Taken

  1. Why is this weekly accounting of thievery ok. I see no consequences nor accountability unless I’m missing something.
    Thank you.

    • The weekly police log has been published forever. It always details the events that occurred happened that week, but never the subsequent disposition of the cases. It never has. You aren’t missing anything.

    • I’ve long searched for any news on the bizarre story of the tow truck driver (Thomas Fogerty) stabbed multiple times by a madman (Philip Horner) after his mother was killed trying to cross Watertown Street. It happened six years ago almost to the day, yet I can find nothing more than the sensational news reports of the day. Was there a trial? Did Fogerty survive? Was he liable? The story just vanished.

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