VOTER GUIDE: Watertown Will Vote in the 2024 State Primary Tuesday

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Voters will head to the polls Tuesday for the 2024 Massachusetts State Primary. Democrats have a race with a local candidate and Republicans will select the candidate for U.S. Senate.

Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024. See the polling locations below.

Contested Races

The Democrats will select the candidate for District 3 Governor’s Councilor, and with no Republican on the ballot this will likely decide who takes the seat. Watertown’s Marilyn Petitto Devaney seeks re-election, and she is challenged by Mara Dolan of Concord.

See the Governor’s Council Candidate Q&As here.

Republicans have three choices for U.S. Senate: engineer Robert J. Antonellis, Quincy City Council President Ian Cain, and lawyer and cryptocurrency advocate John Deaton. The winner will face incumbent Democrat Elizabeth Warren.

Other Democratic candidates are running unopposed on the state primary, including U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative in Congress, State Senator, State Representative, Middlesex Clerk of Courts, and Middlesex Southern District Register of Deeds. There are no other candidates on the Republican ballot.

Voting Locations

To find out what precinct you are in visit the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Where Do I Vote website. For any voting questions, visit the City of Watertown’s Election Voter Information page or call the Watertown City Clerk’s Office at 617-715-8686.

PrecinctPolling PlacePolling Address
1Hellenic Cultural Center29 Bigelow Avenue
2Hosmer School1 Concord Road
3Hellenic Cultural Center29 Bigelow Avenue
4Phillips School30 Common Street
5Phillips School30 Common Street
6Hibernian Hall151 Watertown Street
7Watertown Middle School68 Waverley Avenue
8Watertown Middle School68 Waverley Avenue
9Watertown Middle School68 Waverley Avenue
10Watertown Police Station552 Main Street
11Cunniff School246 Warren Street
12Cunniff School246 Warren Street

One thought on “VOTER GUIDE: Watertown Will Vote in the 2024 State Primary Tuesday

  1. For Precincts 7,8,9, the polls are in the Watertown Middle School gymnasium, which is at the back of the building. Please note, school is in session, so all street entrances around the school are marked as “Do Not Enter – 7am to 4pm. You will need to park on the street rather than in a school lot.

    Also, regarding traffic, it is congested not due to volume but multiple construction detours.

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