Watertown Using AARP Grant to Start Senior Housing Stabilization Program

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The following announcement was provided by the City of Watertown:

The Watertown Department of Senior Services is proud to launch their Senior Housing Stabilization Program thanks to a 2024 AARP Community Challenge Grant they received. This compassionate initiative is dedicated to providing crucial support and education to seniors and their families facing housing instability in Watertown, MA.

Their mission is to ensure that older adults aged 60 years or older can age in place with dignity and security, fostering intergenerational, livable communities where residents of all ages and backgrounds thrive together.

This program will run out of the City of Watertown’s MA Department of Senior Services. The Department will provide financial assistance and education on this program and other housing support services eligible to Watertown seniors. In addition, their Senior Case Manager will set up one on one meetings and outreach workshops to assist seniors in housing crisis with advocacy, mediation support, legal referrals, and valuable financial housing application assistance.

Through this initiative they aim to positively impact seniors experiencing housing instability by fostering a supportive community wraparound approach to housing challenges.

These workshops are free, refreshments will be provided. The workshops will take place at the Watertown Senior Center located at 31 Marshall Street. The first one is the Senior Housing Stabilization Initiative on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Please call 617-972-6490 to register.

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