Watertown Police Buy Family New Refrigerator After Officer Discovers They Were Facing Desperate Situation

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Watertown Police Officer Frank Forde. (Courtesy of Watertown Police)

A Watertown Police officer bought a family a new refrigerator after learning that a family was in a difficult situation and could not afford to replace their broken one.

Officer Frank Forde learned that the family’s refrigerator stopped working, and that the father has a serious medical condition and he could not work, Watertown Police Chief Justin Hanrahan in a post on the WPD Facebook account.

“Officer Forde started a collection around the police station with numerous department members contributing and quickly raised money to purchase a new refrigerator for the family,” Hanrahan said. “This is just one example of the amazing work being done by the officers of the Watertown Police Department everyday.”

Members of the Watertown Police raised nearly $1,000 within 24 hours to purchase the appliance, according to a report on WBZ Channel 4. Forde delivered the fridge along with grocery gift cards to fill it with food.

Forde also organizes an annual St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast for the New England Center and Home for Veterans.

Before joining the Watertown Police, Forde worked at The Meat Spot in Watertown Square.

See the WBZ story and video by clicking here.

12 thoughts on “Watertown Police Buy Family New Refrigerator After Officer Discovers They Were Facing Desperate Situation

  1. What a terrific story. Congratulations and thanks to officer Forde and the contributing members of the Watertown Police force. You make us proud of our town, and put meaning into the expression ‘keeping the peace’.

    • I’m from fall River and I have to say thank you to the Watertown police department for doing such a great deed. You guys will be blessed in some way or another.

  2. Thank you Officer Forde and other members of the WPD, for helping a family in need. Wonderful community spirit! The family might also benefit from knowing about resources such as the Watertown Food Pantry and Wayside Youth and Family Services.

  3. It is so nice to read this! And we are lucky to have police officers like Officer Forde and Chief Hanrahan!! Well done!

  4. What a sweetheart to help a family that really needed help by the way my Grandmother was Nora Forde from Ballyglunin Ireland are we related you have a big heart ❤️

  5. Thank you, Officer Forde. We are proud to have you, Chief Hanrahan, and all the other Department members. We are indeed lucky to have such great Police Department.

  6. Officer Forde, you are truly blessed and with your gift of giving to this family. Your blessings will continue because of your beautiful gift. May the good Lord keep his hands on you. And I will add you in my prayers and that your family and parents and friends are so proud of your beautiful spirit. Brenda

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