Find Out About Watertown’s Miyawaki Forest Saturday

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Lowell Microforest YardArt made by students and adults in April.

The following announcement was provided by Trees for Watertown:

It’s Your Forest – A Drop-By at the Library

Drop by to learn more about Watertown’s first Miyawaki Microforest, to be planted in the J.R. Lowell schoolyard on October 26th, 2024. Everyone is invited! Art + science activities for kids.

Saturday, August 3rd, Noon–4 p.m.

Watertown Savings Bank Room (1st floor) Watertown Free Public Library

Explore, enjoy refreshments, and help shape this important project by sharing your ideas and hopes for the Microforest. Volunteers from Forests for Watertown will be on hand with maps, art, and information to answer your questions and to collect your ideas. How will folks make use of the forest? How can the site plans support those uses? What would make a great outdoor classroom? What would make the forest most accessible?

Learn also about the Planting Festival on October 26th, where the whole Watertown community can help plant baby trees and celebrate the future Microforest. Learn more:

The Miyawaki Microforest is a collaboration between the Schools, the City, Trees for Watertown, and Watertown Community Gardens, with generous support from the Bosch Community Fund.

This community event at the library is funded with support from the Watertown Community Foundation.

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