City Manager George J. Proakis announced he is seeking Watertown residents interested in serving on the Human Rights Commission and the Traffic Commission.
Human Rights Commission
All applicants who previously applied will be considered. New applicants should complete and submit a Universal Application no later than Tuesday, July 23, 2024.
The Human Rights Commission works to ensure that all persons enjoy equal opportunity to participate in local affairs, including but not limited to housing, employment, education, public accommodation, access to City services regardless of race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, citizenship, age, religion, disability, health status, marital or familial status, military or veteran status, socioeconomic status, ex-offender status, genetic and/or protected class status. The Commission promotes human rights in Watertown through outreach, dialogue, educational forums, the development of an Action Plan, serving as a resource to persons with concerns of discrimination within the City, recommending policies or resolutions for adoption by the City Council, City Manager or other City departments, boards, councils or commissions. The Commission provides an annual written report to the City Council and City Manager and holds an annual public forum.
Traffic Commission
Interested applicants should complete and submit a Universal Application.
The duties and responsibilities of the Traffic Commission includes studying the traffic situation in the City and suggesting and advising the City Manager in ways and means to regulate traffic in the City and recommending changes and amendments to the Traffic Rules and Orders of the City with a view towards reducing accidents and relieving traffic congestion.