The City of Watertown provided the following information:
The Joint Hearing to discuss the Watertown Square Area Plan will continue on June 27, 2024 at 6pm in the Watertown Middle School Auditorium at 68 Waverley Avenue in Watertown. This is a continuation of the Joint Hearing held on June 13 in the same location.
This Hearing will be a hybrid meeting, meaning you have the opportunity to join virtually on Zoom or in-person. You will also be able to watch the Hearing live online on WCA-TV.
We encourage everyone to visit the project website to learn more, and to access the plan document. Printed copies of the Plan Document can be found at the Watertown Library and Senior Center.
If you missed it, you’re encouraged to watch the June 13 Joint Hearing and access the slide presentation (PDF).
The City of Watertown has also developed a packet of responses to questions about the Watertown Square Area Plan (PDF) that you can access prior to the upcoming Joint Hearing.
“Kids Space” hosted by the Department of Recreation in the Middle School Cafeteria during the Hearing
The Department of Recreation will be hosting a “kids space” again, from 6pm-8:30pm on June 27 in the Middle School Cafeteria for kids in grades K-5 to accommodate those attending the Hearing!
Thanks Watertown Rec Dept!
Can you do it again on July 18th? Please and thanks!
Sorry July 16th. I was thinking “thank god it was not happening on July 18th because Noah Kahan concert at Fenway is then!!!! So city council, you picked a good date – JULY 16th!
This is what I heard at the June 27 hearing that I applauded:
1. Recognition by several councilors of the fact that “green space” is an “infrastructure” issue, and not just a matter of aesthetics. This was further supported by one Planning member’s recommendation that a top-notch landscape design company be hired, and that we should far surpass the rather ordinary use of greenery in recent developments. If we are proud of our “sustainable” approach, let’s extend it from mechanicals to landscape design.
2. A councilor’s suggestion that we approach the number of units in a “staged” manner, rather than automatically committing to 3300. Let’s see how well we do with 1700 units, and be flexible enough that we can either stop or go further, depending on how well we achieve goals.
3. A councilor’s concern about adding housing for those at the middle or lower end of average area income. These folks will not be helped by the current project. Just as we have expanded this MBTA project to include Watertown Square redevelopment, can we also be moving ahead on some plan for current residents who cannot afford to continue living here , or those who may work here but cannot live here —regardless of how many new units are added under this project.
4. The President’s deferral of a vote until after the community has a chance to express their views, at a July meeting. We have a new city position for someone in charge of communication between the City government and the community. Let’s use all avenues to reach the public, including the public who are generally too busy to follow local government. Are we reaching out to groups which are not traditional followers of city government? Do we have a board or flyers at the Farmer’s Market, at Project Literacy, eg? (Please excuse me if we already do.)
Thank you.
Hi Kathy,
I have been encouraged by the recognition and acknowledgement of many residents that the City of Watertown needs to be more conscientious in informing all of Watertown’s residents about the Watertown Square Area Plan and all other initiatives. I want to thank you for your response
You added some simple resources that the City has at its disposal to keep more Watertown residents informed. You might want to add one more…please be accurate when informing the public.
An alert Watertown resident pointed out that the electronic billboard announcing the meeting on June 27th said “June 27. 7:00.” The meeting started at 6:00!
More work to be done!