Watertown Square Meeting Thursday Night, Kids Activities Available

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The City of Watertown provided the following information:

The Watertown Square Area Plan will be discussed at the upcoming Joint City Council and Planning Board Hearing on June 13 at 6 PM in the Watertown Middle School Auditorium. The Hearing will include a presentation from the Project Team, followed by an opportunity for public comment. You can access the full agenda for the Joint Hearing here

You can access the plan document on the project’s website or in the above agenda packet to learn about the Draft Plan.

This Hearing is a hybrid meeting and you can give public comment either in-person or virtually. To join virtually, you can access the Hearing on June 13 by using this Zoom link, which can also be found on the project’s website and in the agenda above.

The City of Watertown’s Recreation Department will also be hosting a “kids-space” during the Hearing for kids ages 5-12 in the Middle School Cafeteria to accommodate those attending! 

Printed copies of the Plan Document can be found at the Watertown Library and Senior Center. You can learn more about the project at the Watertown Square Area Plan website, where you can also reach out with any questions about the Joint Hearing.

We look forward to seeing you Thursday night!

5 thoughts on “Watertown Square Meeting Thursday Night, Kids Activities Available

  1. Thank you to the City of Watertown’s Recreation Department for the “kids space” to ensure that all residents have the ability to attend.

    • Agree! I hope this becomes a trend for important meetings so more residents can be more fully involved in the community.

  2. It’s encouraging and I welcome that there’s another meeting regarding this whole mess. The original timeline called for the Planning Board to vote on this in May and the City Council vote on it in June. It’s now the middle of the month and I get the impression that at least some City Council members are listening to residents concerns and are not 100% sold on the current proposal

    Both of these events tell me that there’s still more work to be done and more voices to be heard, and that there *SHOULD* be more meetings if that’s what it takes in order to get things right. We only have one chance to do this and its critical that we get it right the first time.

    However, it’s particularly frustrating that there are still those that have dug their heels in and stubbornly dismiss and refuse to accept *ANY* discussion or vote on the 1,701 units required by the MBTA Community’s Act.

    As much as I’d welcome further discussion, until an option for the required 1,701 units is presented, there should be no vote by either
    the planning board or City Council regarding any future plans of the square.

  3. > until an option for the required 1,701 units is presented, there should be no vote

    Exactly. Voters are waking up and will not accept a fait accompli by a highly vocal, density uber alles cabal.

    Many choose to live in Watertown precisely because it is *not* Cambridge or Boston or (yes, George) Sommerville.

  4. Watertown Recreation thank you for providing this. Please know that all the parents I know appreciate it the opportunity to be an adult who gets to participate in civic life. I know that it takes time and effort to set up. Unfortunately, I have to ask that you repeat this, please, for Thursday the 27th at 6pm at the Middle School. Hopefully, a vote is taken that night, and then we can come back in the fall to do some more. Many thanks!!!

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