Road Near High School Construction Site Closing for 2 Days

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The following announcement was provided by Watertown’s project management firm, Vertex:

As we continue to progress the new high school project, Brait Builders and their subcontractors are planning to continue new utility work in Broadway this Thursday 6/6 and Friday 6/7.  This will require that we close the road to through traffic from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. from the intersection of Broadway and Columbia Street to Russell Avenue. 

Residents of that area of the street will have access to and from their driveways. The contractor will have someone there to ensure safe access as needed.

As a quick update, today the project reaches another milestone as we install the topping off beam on the Common Street side of the building. Things continue to progress well overall and we move towards being enclosed and weathertight this Fall.

One thought on “Road Near High School Construction Site Closing for 2 Days

  1. Perhaps it is time for the city to hold a more formal update on the progress being made not just on the school but on the “new normal” we in the surrounding neighborhoods have had to endure for more than 8 months as the utilities slowly and painfully replace the gas lines, water mains and God knows what else. It is astounding how long this project is taking and I’m told they aren’t even close to the finished line. N

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