The following students from Watertown earned academic honors at their institution of higher learning.
The following information came from the insitutions:
Mass Maritime Academy
Massachusetts Maritime Academy announced that Sean Donohue of Watertown was named to the President’s List for the Fall semester of 2023, and Aidan Campbell of Watertown was named to the Dean’s List for the Fall semester of 2023.
At the end of each academic term, full-time student grades are reviewed. For students with no incompletes or grades below C-, term grade point averages are calculated and academic proficiency is noted as follows:
- President’s List 3.6 or higher
- Dean’s List 3.3 — 3.59
A cadet who appears on the Dean’s List or the President’s List is entitled to wear the appropriate
device on his or her uniform. All ribbons will be awarded by the Vice-President of Academic Affairs or designee at the appropriate time.
Donohue is in the Class of 2024 and is majoring in Energy Systems Engineering. Campbell is in the Class of 2027 and is majoring in Marine Engineering.
Mass. Maritime is a state university in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts system of public higher education.
Champlain College
Oliver Hoblitzelle of Watertown, MA, was named to the Champlain College the Trustees’ List and the President’s List for the Fall 2023 semester.
Students on the Trustees’ List have achieved a 4.0 grade point average for two or more consecutive semesters.
Students on the President’s List have achieved a grade point average of 4.0 or higher during the semester. Hoblitzelle is currently enrolled in the Filmmaking program.
Making the Trustees’ List is a tremendous achievement. Many of the high achievers balance their career-focused classes with jobs, internships, clubs, and volunteering. We congratulate them on this great accomplishment and honor.
If you know of a student from Watertown who has earned academic honors, send the information to watertownmanews@gmail.com