The following announcement was provided by the City of Watertown:
The City Council is seeking individuals who live in, work in, or own property in Watertown to apply to serve on the Blue Ribbon Committee to examine the salaries of City Councilors.
The Blue Ribbon Committee’s duties will be to study the salary received by City Councilors and the Council President for their service and make recommendations on a methodology and process for salaries to be set going forward, including a recommendation for the 2026-2027 Council salary. The committee will receive staff support from Municipal Policy Analyst Doug Newton.
The committee’s final recommendations will be presented to the City Council no later than at the December 10, 2024 City Council meeting. The committee’s recommendations must be decided on by the Council by June 2025.
1. Members must live in, own property in, and/or work in Watertown.
2. Current elected officials of the City of Watertown are not eligible.
3. Current employees of the City of Watertown are not eligible.
4. Current members of city boards, commissions and committees are eligible, including those who receive a stipend.
Desired Skills, background and/or characteristics:
1. Members should have a strong commitment to and stake in Watertown’s success. A leadership role in local companies or non-profits – or service on City boards, commissions and committees – would be a strong indicator of commitment.
2. Desirable professional experience for the Committee includes (but is not limited to) human resources, compensation, law, finance or accounting, municipal government, business leadership, and management consulting.
If you are interested in applying to be on the Blue Ribbon Committee, please send your resume and a letter of interest to Municipal Policy Analyst Doug Newton at dnewton@watertown-ma.gov.