Bus Stops Have Moved for 3 MTBA Routes at Watertown Yard

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Stops for three MBTA bus lines starting and ending at Watertown Yard have been moved to fit the new street configuration off of Galen Street.

The 52, 57, and 504 buses have moved to a different area of the MBTA’s bus yard. The former stop near Nonantum Road has closed, and buses have new pick up and drop off areas.

A picture of the old Watertown Yard bus stop exit onto Galen Street. It has been completely blocked off and stops have been moved. Courtesy of Sam Ghliardi)

MBTA Spokeswoman Lisa Battison said that the changes were made as the City of Watertown redesigns the streets near the new development at 66 Galen St., including connecting Aldrich Road with the new Technology Way.

“Drop-offs for these routes are now permanently on Galen Street,” Battison said. “Pick-ups are currently taking place on Water Street (until the upcoming permanent new pick-up on Technology Way is constructed).”

The new drop off only stop for the 52/57/504 buses on Galen Street. (Courtesy of Sam Ghliardi)

Watertown resident Sam Ghilardi catches the bus at Watertown Yard, and noticed the changes.

“The important thing is that if you are trying to catch a bus or make a transfer, you need to go to the Water Street stop, not the Galen Street stop,” Ghilardi said.

The new pick up only stop for the MBTA’s 52, 57, and 504 buses on Water Street. (Courtesy of Sam Ghliardi)

3 thoughts on “Bus Stops Have Moved for 3 MTBA Routes at Watertown Yard

  1. Thank you for posting this information, I was wondering what is happening.
    Unfortunately this change made bus connection between bus 70, 71 and 57,504 even further apart. It makes no sense to have 10 minute walk between connections plus need to cross a dangerous intersection of Watertown st and Galen st. It also moves the bus stop further away from Watertown residents, majority of whom live on the other side of the square.
    Does anyone know what Watertown administration and MBTA are planning to do about improving bus connection experience for commuters in Watertown square?

  2. Instead of trying to make the island in Watertown Sq a mixed retail – community space, which no one will ever use due to the lack of parking- how about making it the terminal for ALL buses so people don’t have to walk thru several dangerous streets to reach the useless and ugly MBTA shed. Make the island a destination people actually use and then offer them retail shops.

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