To: School Administration, Town Officials, Historical Society of Watertown and to the editor of the WatertownMaNews,
Recently during the deconstruction of the Watertown high school, I was made aware of a recent discovery or a better description, recovery of a WHS sports trophy. It was pulled out of a pile of debris being loaded onto a construction vehicle.
My first thought was, who cares, is it a big deal, does it really matter??? It’s only one trophy but is it “only one” trophy or were the rest of the trophies dishonorably trucked out too? And when you think about it, it does matter, it matters to the winning Coaches, it matters to the outstanding Athletes that earned those trophies and the Watertown community.
The question now is, were the trophies that were displayed in the halls of WHS ever safely packed? Are they stored in a safe and secure environment? Or will the rest of the trophies be “discovered “ in some faraway landfill?
I for one along with Jane and Bethany Rogers, who brought this to my attention, need to know what happened to all of the trophies. I forgot to mention that this also matters all Alumni of Watertown sports teams. Please let me and the community know if they can be displayed once again in the newly constructed high school. Thank you.
Karl H Neugebauer
Watertown Resident