To the Republican voters of Belmont, Watertown, Alston, Back Bay, Brighton, and (now) Cambridge Wards…..
Since 2016, has been my honor to serve the people of the Second Suffolk-Middlesex senate district as the Massachusetts Republican State Committeewoman. For most of these years, I served alongside Steve Aylward, designer and successful promoter of “Tank the Automatic Gas Tax” campaign.
In 2018, I served as the state chair of the “NO on 3!” ballot question to repeal what we called the “Bathroom and Locker Room Law.” Our campaign was never about discrimination but always about protecting women and children in public accommodations.
Two years ago, John Umina was selected by the local Republican town and city committees to fill out Steve Aylward’s unexpired term.
It’s my pleasure to endorse John Umina and his wife, Cathy, as candidates for the Republican State Committee. I have volunteered alongside the Uminas in numerous campaigns. I am impressed by their sound judgement, their eagerness to defend our American values and their “never give up” attitude! The Uminas have been active in the Belmont Republican Town Committee, helping it grow, educating citizens on local and state issues that impact all citizens, young and old. They are strong supporters of traditional American values and push back against individuals and ideas that oppose those values!
If you, are as concerned as I am about:
America’s open borders, out of control inflation, indoctrination of our children, lawlessness that plague our cities, 100,000 annual Fentanyl deaths, homeless veterans, and the loss of American jobs to foreign countries, VOTE for John and Cathy Umina! We need to end “one party rule” on Beacon Hill and return some sanity to our legislative body!
At times of crisis, Americans have always stepped up. I’m asking you to step up and vote to elect John and Cathy Umina on March 5th, 2024.
Together WE can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! May God bless you and your families!
Debby Dugan
Massachusetts Republican State Committeewoman
Suffolk and Middlesex District