UPDATED: Demolition of Watertown High School Complete, Crane Going Up to Construct Steel Frame

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The old Watertown High School has been demolished. A crane that will erect the steel frame of the new high school has arrived. (Courtesy of Vertex)

The old Watertown High School is officially history. The project management firm, Vertex, provided the following update on the progress of the new high school project.

With the demolition of the existing HS building completed, attention on site has turned to the continuation of foundations and start of steel erection. The development of the WHS Project Site continues to progress and for anyone who may not have passed by the site since our last update, above is a current view of the crane arriving for the start of zone 1 steel erection.

Work is expected to continue on Saturdays to allow for the advancement of foundations ahead of steel deliveries.

Additionally, recognizing that Monday, for many, is a Holiday in observance of Presidents’ Day, we must note that the project site is OPEN and will be working on a Saturday schedule with work taking place between 8A and 4P.  

Finally, in order to support steel deliveries on site with limited impact to the surrounding community, an updated site traffic pattern has been established which is referred to as “phase 2”, now that demolition is complete. Please see the attached update notice for additional detail regarding the phase 2 traffic pattern.

We look forward to sharing progress updates as work continues and appreciate the ongoing community support and your cooperation as we begin this next exciting phase of the project.

4 thoughts on “UPDATED: Demolition of Watertown High School Complete, Crane Going Up to Construct Steel Frame

  1. Is there supposed to be a picture accompanying this article? I see a caption but no picture above it. Is it missing or is there something wrong with my PC?

    I even tried viewing this page in two different browsers.

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