For the 56th year, a scholarship will be awarded in memory of Paul J. Sullivan, a Watertown-native who died serving in the Vietnam.
The following information was provided by the Lt. Paul J. Sullivan Scholarship Committee:
One could not have asked for a finer friend than Paul Sullivan. He was a model of rectitude in his personal relationships. In all his dealings he was straightforward, candid, and direct. He was absolutely reliable. He was a strong competitor, but he never cut a corner or took an unfair advantage. He never asked others to do things which he was unwilling to do himself.
He was thoughtful and considerate toward those with whom he went to school, with whom he worked, and with whom he played. He was intensely human-concerned with the other person’s interests, sympathetic and compassionate, discreet and understanding. He was a generous person.
Paul was a delightful companion, modest, engaging, alert, and great fun. And while his own standards of conduct were impeccable he was tolerant of others’ shortcomings, anxious to see and encourage the best in them.
As a teacher, as a coach, and as a soldier, he was a resolute, cheerful leader with high ideals and a firm sense of purpose and conviction, a man of courage and compassion, of determination and dedication, energetic and intelligent, principled and tolerant, vibrant and growing, with a passion both to excel and to improve the lot of others.
Paul was, indeed, a magnificent friend, a wonderful man to know. If a valid test of a nation’s worth lies in those personal qualities which it tends to foster in its own citizens, then there can be no finer goal for our society than to encourage those qualities of character and mind which Paul had in such abundance. That is why we, his friends, have established this scholarship in his memory to be awarded annually to that young person who best exemplifies that kind of man Paul Sullivan was.
About the Scholarship
Announcing the 56th Lt. Paul J. Sullivan Scholarship
Information about the Lt. Paul J. Sullivan Scholarship is online: https://sites.google.com/view/lt-paul-j-sullivan-scholarship
The application deadline is April 18, 2024
The top scholarship is $5,500.
Additional scholarships will be awarded.
Last year there were 16 scholarships totaling $32,000. We are looking for student-athletes who are actively involved in their school, religion, and community.
All Watertown students, from any area high school, who meet the requirements, are eligible.
Students from Newton, Waltham, Belmont and Cambridge who live within the areas of Sacred Heart (Newton), Sacred Heart (Watertown), St. Mary (Waltham), St. Patrick (Watertown) are also eligible. Given changes over the years, students from collaboratives that include these parishes are eligible.
If you have any questions please contact Meg Sullivan Timperi at mstimperi@gmail.com