Watertown Library The Watertown Free Public Library.
The Watertown Free Public Library has many programs coming up in February. See details from the newsletter provided by the WFPL.
Watertown artist and fine art photographer Archy LaSalle is the founder of WHERE ARE ALL THE BLACK PEOPLE AT, a grassroots organization whose mission is to bring attention to and help art institutions rectify past injustices of under-representing Black and Brown artists in their permanent collections. On Wednesday, 2/28, he’ll join us for an invigorating presentation about cultural institutions and representation at WFPL!
Also this month, get up to speed on the changing landscape of affirmative action in college admissions, learn how to use a new tool at Hatch Makerspace Demo Day, or bring the kids to a storybook movement workshop with Alive Dance Collective.
Keep scrolling for a full list of virtual and in-person programs…
February In the Gallery: Gregg Ohanian, Photography
Artist Reception: Sunday, 2/4, | 1 — 4:45 PM | See Ohanian’s landscape photography of New England and U.S. National Parks up close, and wish him well!
Free, Virtual Music Lessons with Fret Zealot
Want to learn a new instrument? Fret Zealot has over 3,500 video lessons from the world’s top music instructors for learning guitar, bass, and ukulele. You can access it through the Library’s Hoopla app, free for Watertown residents!
Vote for the Library in the WSB Choice Awards!
Watertown Savings Bank (WSB) will be distributing $100,000 among local community organizations this spring! This year, everyone can vote, customers and non-customers alike. The bank donates to all organizations that receive at least 1% of the total votes, so there is a very good chance your 30-second vote will translate into more funding for free library programming in Watertown. Vote through 2/17.
An Evening with Celeste Ng
Thursday, 3/21 | 6:30 PM | WFPL is thrilled to host bestselling author Celeste Ng for a conversation about Our Missing Hearts, the importance of libraries, and the present-day fight for our right to read. Doors open at 6:30 PM with light refreshments provided. Program begins promptly at 7 PM. After the talk, there will be time for book signing, with books for purchase from Porter Square Books.
- ASL and CART services will be provided at the event, courtesy of the Watertown Commission on Disability.
- Registration is Required and begins at 9 AM on Friday, March 1st. Mark your calendar or set a reminder, because this will be a popular event!
One Book, One Watertown Programs
Coming in March, join us for free programs inspired by the themes of Our Missing Hearts! Leading up to our talk with Celeste Ng, WFPL is hosting book discussions, a film screening with Watertown Race Reels, Practices in Collective Dreamwork with Crystal Bi, and a Democracy Talks panel on the realities of child removal in the U.S. Visit our One Book, One Watertown webpage for more information.
Toddler Time
Mondays & Tuesdays | 10 AM | Join a Children’s Librarian for stories and songs! For walkers through age 2.
Cuentos en Español
Miércoles, 14 de Febrero | 11 AM | Niños de todas edades estan invitados a un evento especial de cuentos y canciones en Español. Para niños de todas las edades.
Cornell Coley
Tuesday, 2/20 | 4 PM | Check out dancer and percussionist Cornell Coley’s rhythm show, ending with a samba-style jam! Ages 5–11.
Alive Dance Collective
Thursday, 2/22 | 4 PM | How can a body communicate ideas? Learn to combine literature, music, and movement to tell a story with your body! Artistic Director, Brenna Banister, B. Ed leads a storybook movement workshop. Ages 5–11.
Who Would Win? Club
Thursday 2/29 | 6 PM | If two animals were competing for survival, could you pick the victor? We’ll have fact sheets to help you decide who wins. Then, design your own creature to pit against your friends! Ages 5–11.
Teen Art Club
Wednesdays, 2/7, 2/14, 2/28 | 3–5 PM | Chill vibes only. Hang out and do your own thing or join in a group craft. We have all the art supplies you could possibly want and fun people to create with. Grades 6–12.
Manga Club
Tuesdays, 2/6, 2/13, 2/27 | 3:30–4:30 PM | Get together to discuss all things manga! Favorite characters, favorite series… with an activity during every meetup.
Weaving with Looms
Thursday, 2/29 | 3:30–5 PM | Registration Required | The first of our four-part Teen Art Series! Beth Guertin from A Place to Weave will give participants the opportunity to experience working with various types of looms. This program is supported by the Watertown Cultural Council and the Library’s Burke Fund.
Dungeons & Dragons
Saturday, 3/2 | 2–5 PM | Register for March 2 | This popular program fills up fast!
Our February D&D game is at capacity. Register now for March!
English for Caregivers and Children
Wednesdays | 9:15–10:30 AM | Adult caregivers and children are invited to learn and talk about themes including neighborhoods, transportation, traditions, family, and more! All skill levels welcome. Supported by the Watertown Cultural Council.
Seed Packing Party!
Saturday, 2/3 | 10 AM | Help us get the WFPL Seed Library ready to open! We’ll be getting packets of seeds prepared for our gardeners to borrow when the seed library opens for the season on February 12. Light refreshments will be provided.
Zumba Fiesta with Cecilia
Fridays, 2/2–2/16 | 1 PM | The first 25 to class are granted a spot.
Winter Concert: New England Irish Harp Orchestra Sunday, 2/4 | 2 PM | The New England Irish Harp Orchestra performs Traditional Irish dance tunes, slow airs, and songs. Members span a wide age range and come from New Hampshire and Massachusetts. The Orchestra has been performing for nineteen years throughout New England and Ireland. Regina Delaney (Director) is a NH State Council on the Arts artist on the Traditional Arts and Arts in Health Care Roster. Mark your calendar and learn more at watertownlib.org/concerts
Geometric Paper Flower Craft Thursday, 2/8 | 7 PM | Registration Required | With local artist Dani Tedesco!
Watertown Race Reels Thursday, 2/15 | 5:30 PM | Join us for pizza and a film! Watertown Race Reels, a project of Watertown Community for Black Lives, is a monthly community event which showcases films that help to start conversations on race and identity.
WHERE ARE ALL THE BLACK PEOPLE AT Wednesday, 2/28 | 7 PM | Join an invigorating talk about cultural institutions and representation! Watertown artist and fine art photographer Archy LaSalle is the founder of WHERE ARE ALL THE BLACK PEOPLE AT, a grassroots organization that brings attention to and helps art institutions rectify past injustices of under-representing Black and Brown artists.
The Changing Landscape of Affirmative Action
Tuesday, 2/6 | 7 PM | via Zoom | Registration Required | Dr. Anthony Abraham Jack of Boston University and Dr. Christina J. Cross of Harvard University will discuss what’s next for affirmative action in college admissions processes. Enter a raffle to win a signed copy of Dr. Jack’s book The Privileged Poor!
An Evening with Romance Authors Ali Hazelwood, Nikki Payne, and Denise Williams
Monday, 2/26 | 7 PM | via Zoom | Registration Required | Ali Hazelwood, Nikki Payne, and Denise Williams will discuss their romance novels with a Q&A!
50+ Job Seekers Networking Group
First & Third Weds. | 9:30 AM | via Zoom | Registration Required | If you are unemployed, underemployed, re-entering the job market, looking for an “encore career”, or just curious about new opportunities, join us!
Intro to Microsoft Excel
Tuesday, 2/6 | 6:30 PM | Registration Required
Advanced Microsoft Excel
Tuesday, 2/13 | 6:30 PM | Registration Required
Drop-In Tech Help
Wednesdays 2/7, 2/21 | 11 AM–12 PM
Wednesdays 2/14, 2/28 | 7–9 PM
Free Immigration Legal Consultations
Now by Appointment! | Visit watertownlib.org/citizenship or call 617-603-1808 to sign up. | Free consultations with Greater Boston Legal Services at WFPL.
¡Noche de Dominó!
Thursday, 2/1| 6–8 PM | Learn dominoes in Spanish or English and enjoy the fun, festive environment. All skill levels welcome!
Library Insiders
Friday, 2/9 | 10 AM | Email pstern@watertown-ma.gov to register. | Join us for enrichment activities for adults with developmental and cognitive disabilities.
Watertown Stitch Lounge
Monday, 2/12 | 7–8:30 PM | Join in the friendly company of fellow crafters! Bring your knitting, crochet, embroidery, or handheld sewing project to work on.
Technology Training for the Visually Impaired
Monday, 2/12 | One-Hour Sessions, 1 PM–3 PM | Registration Required | If you are losing your vision, or care for someone who is, VIBRANT trainers can provide instruction on technologies to help you accomplish everyday goals.
LGBTQ+ Book Group
Wednesday, 2/14 | 7 PM | via Zoom | Registration Required | Read and discuss LGBTQ+ fiction and non-fiction, and make new friends!
Cook the Books: Chocolate
Tuesday, 2/27 | 6:30 PM | Registration Required | Select any cookbook that fits the theme (chocolate: sweet or savory!) and bring one recipe to share.
More Book Groups at WFPL
Join the Senior Center, the Mystery Readers, or the Wednesday Book Group, monthly! All groups welcome new members: watertownlib.org/bookgroups