Watertown Police Running Women’s Self-Defense Course

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The Watertown Police Department is running a self-defense class for women in January on the Perkins School for the Blind. It is open to residents and Perkins employees.

“Several spots still available! WPD is teaching a R.A.D. class. If you are interested and can commit to ALL four classes, then please contact Det. Sgt. Shiela Grady-Duguay ” the WPD announced on social media.

Call 617-972-6500 and ask to be transferred to Sgt. Shiela Grady-Duguay.

Classes will be held Jan. 9, 11, 16 and 19.

One thought on “Watertown Police Running Women’s Self-Defense Course

  1. Good Morning,
    This post on the “Ring” news and above is incorrect the final day is the 18th. There is also a problem with the phone line, any questions call direct line for WPD 617-972-6500 and ask to be transfered to my phone line.
    Thank You! Sheila

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