The City Council will be considering what to do with Watertown’s $10 million-plus in federal ARPA funds this week, and also, the Planning Board will not be hearing the proposed project on the former Cannistraro site on Pleasant Street until next meeting.
The agenda for Tuesday’s City Council meeting includes vote on the resolution for how to spend Watertown’s appropriation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds. The Council received more than 30 applications for a portion of the money. Applications came from City departments, local non-profits, and even resident groups. A Council committee heard from some of the applicants and produced a list of recommended proposals to fund.
Also on Tuesday, the Council will discuss the roads to be repaved in the 2024 construction season. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 12, in the Council Chamber in City Hall, 149 Main St. Remote participation will also be available. See the entire agenda here.
On Wednesday, the Planning Board was scheduled to discuss the proposed project at 313 and 275 Pleasant St., 84-86 Rosedale Road, and 60 Acton St., the former Cannistraro property. The case will be continued to the Jan. 10, 2024 Planning Board meeting. The Planning Board will discuss converting a portion of an industrial building at 9-13 Boyd St. into licensed daycare, as well as discussing the Watertown Square Area Plan. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 7 p.m. in City Hall with remote access. See the agenda here.
The proposal for a new life science campus includes a four story 133,324 sq. ft. lab/R&D/office building (including below-grade parking), a two story 9,847 sq. ft. retail building attached to a six level parking structure, an outdoor pavilion, as well as existing four story 53,183 sq. ft. lab/R&D/office building along Pleasant St and surface parking space on the 5-acre site.
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