The City of Watertown has opening for several boards and committees, and seeks applications from those interested in serving. The boards are the Planning Board, the Zoning Board of Appeal, Board of Health, Community Preservation Committee, the Conservation Commission, and the Licensing Board.
The City sent out the following announcement:
City Manager George J. Proakis is seeking Watertown citizens interested in serving on the following City Boards, Commissions and Committees with appointment dates in February 2024 in accordance with Ordinance # 2007-46, an Ordinance on the Timing and Process of Appointments to City Boards, Commissions and Committees. Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest accompanied by a resume or other information concerning background or experience by email to Citymgr@watertown-ma.gov or City Manager’s Office, 149 Main Street, Watertown, Massachusetts 02472.
Board/Commission: Board of Health
Vacancy/Term: One Member, Three Year Term. Description: Provide for fulfillment of its duties under M.G.L. 111:5, 26-33 and other sections including enforcement of the state Sanitary and Environmental Codes, reporting diseases dangerous to the public health, and enforcement of other applicable state and local laws and regulations. The Board of Health determines the health needs of the community (and the health services available to the community) in terms of the size and characteristics of the population, specific health problems, and environmental conditions. Candidates should have background in public health, medical or related field. Board meets once a month.
Board/Commission: Community Preservation Committee
Vacancy/Term: One Member, Three Year Term. Description: The Community Preservation
Committee (CPC) is responsible for making recommendations for how Community Preservation Act funds are spent in the four Community Preservation Act program areas: Community Housing, Historic Preservation, Open Space and Recreation. Candidates should have knowledge of M.G.L. Chapter 44B. Committee meets once a month.
Board/Commission: Zoning Board of Appeals
Vacancy/Term: One Full Member, Five Year Term. One Alternate Member, Two Year Term Description: Board of Appeals grants all special permits and variances needed for certain construction and development projects. Candidates should have knowledge of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, the Zoning Act, as well as architecture, engineering, landscape design, construction, planning, law, or related field. Board meets once a month, usually the last Wednesday of each month; special meetings, as required. Two current members holding the position wish to serve another term.
Board/Commission: Planning Board
Vacancy/Term: One Member, Three Year Term. Description: Planning Board makes recommendations on all special permits, variances, site plan reviews, and Zoning Ordinances-Map amendments. Conducts other land-use planning studies as needed. Candidates should have background in architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, land-use planning, construction, or any related fields. Board meets 2nd Wednesday of each month. One current member holding the position wishes to serve another term.
Board/Commission: Conservation Commission
Vacancy/Term: One Member, Three Year Term. Description: Conservation Commission acts on all petitions relating to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 8C, the Wetlands Ordinance, and other matters relating to the conservation protection and enhancement of watershed, open space, passive recreational, and natural resource areas. Candidates should have background or knowledge of environmental science, landscape design, horticulture, or related field. Commission meets 1st Wednesday of each month.
Board/Commission: Licensing Board
Vacancy/Term: One Full Member, Three Year Term. Description: Licensing Board members vote on all licenses issued by the City. Candidates should have background in law, business, or related field. In order to be in compliance with General Law C.138, Section 4. This Licensing Board appointee must be a registered member of the Republican Party for a minimum of two years. Hearings are held the 3rd Thursday of each month. One current member holding the position wishes to serve another term.