Watertown Resident Honored for Creating Program Linking Watertown Schools with Local Biotechs

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Merle Kummer

The following announcement was provided by Beth El Tempe Center:

Merle Kummer, President and Founder of CoLAB, was a recipient of the eighth annual Jonathan Jacoby Tikkun Olam Award, granted by the Social Action Committee of Beth El Temple Center in Belmont, MA. “Tikkun olam” is Hebrew for “repairing the world,” and this particular award was created in May 2016 to honor the inspired actions and service of community members.

Merle Kummer is an organizational learning professional and community organizer, who conceived and launched CoLAB. The first of its kind, CoLAB is a not-for-profit organization connecting Watertown High School students with local life science companies to encourage student interest in STEM careers – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, and build new levels of STEM self-confidence.

Collaborating with individuals from academia and biotechnology sectors, Merle has created a unique platform whereby scientist volunteers engage with students in one-on-one and group settings. In organizing CoLAB, Merle drew on her experience as a leader in Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO). Upon receiving her award, Merle remarked that “I do the things I do because I believe it is important and holy to do so, not for the attention.”

With the mission of inspiring student interest in STEM careers and building STEM self- confidence, CoLAB has been bringing together students and professionals across Watertown since 2021, providing career development programs to build students’ abilities to navigate their futures. CoLAB programs feature and after school CoLAB Club, in-class career exploration sessions, field trips, mentoring, and internship identification.

2 thoughts on “Watertown Resident Honored for Creating Program Linking Watertown Schools with Local Biotechs

  1. Dear Watertown Voters
    Thank you. Thank you for your vote. I have just called President Sideris to congratulate him on his victory. The Election is over and I wish to Congratulate Mark on his exceptional victory. The race was interesting, yet challenging as one tries to make a comeback after so many years away from officially serving the community.

    I want to give a Special Shout Out to those who supported me before the campaign, placing signs on their yards. I am hopeful certain concerns expressed during the campaign resonates with our leaders. I know that all of us love our community.
    The city, as we know, is at a crossroad. The City’s Motto is “The Walkable City”. So many of us say let’s not forget make it a “Livable City”. It is important that we put people first.
    Again, my thanks and I will attempt to remain active in concerns of the City so that I am not a Johnny – Come – Lately as is the current situation.
    Clyde L. Younger
    188 Acton Street
    Watertown, MA

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