Dear Neighbors,
Watertown is fortunate to have 5 excellent candidates running for 3 spots on the School Committee. If high quality people like these were competing as candidates for spots in every local, state, and national election, it would be so great!
But, a choice will be made and in our opinion Kendra Foley and Rachel Kay are the best picks of this strong field of candidates, with both bringing unique and valuable skill-sets to the group work of the School Committee. Kendra is a consummate professional who grew up in Watertown, has been on the committee for 8 years (2 as chair), and worked at a high level in both state government and the private sector. Rachel is an educational data expert who chose to put down roots in Watertown, works for MIT, and has a record of both tireless advocacy for all students and bringing more voices to the table when important educational decisions are being made.
Ideally, for a group-based government role like School Committee, the members will complement and bring out the best in each other. Rachel and Kendra are both accomplished, driven, and hard-working local moms. These shared qualities would be great for any School Committee member. But, we believe that adding Rachel’s singular data expertise, ability to think outside the box, and willingness to ask hard questions together with Kendra’s inside knowledge of the system, proven savvy, and thoughtful management style will create a sum even greater than its parts. And this powerful dynamic will be to the benefit of Watertown students- which is what the School Committee is all about.
If you’ve read this far you may have noticed that we have only endorsed 2 candidates, while there are 3 spots to fill. Good point! It turns out we are leaning in different directions for one of the spots. This is very understandable, even among friend or family! However, we did agree that we wanted to share our conviction that Rachel Kay and Kendra Foley have the potential to raise the performance of our School Committee to a level which other communities will rightly be envious of. We hope you will vote for Kendra and Rachel.
Most importantly, whoever your choices are, please get out and vote this coming Tuesday, November 7! With these 5 excellent candidates, not voting is the only bad choice any of us could make.
Thank you for taking the time to read our letter,
Christina Murphy and Owen Murphy
(Hosmer/Middle School Parents)
Note: The deadline for submitting campaign letters has passed.