The five candidates running for Watertown School Committee responded to a series of questions from Watertown News.
Two incumbents seek re-election, and three candidates seeking a seat for the first time. Three four-year seats on the School Committee are up for re-election this year in the Nov. 7, 2023 Watertown Municipal Election.
Both David Stokes and Kendra Foley seek another term on the School Committee, but fellow incumbent Lindsay Mosca announced in June that she will not be running in 2023.
Three challengers have submitted papers to be on the ballot. Two of the candidates ran in 2021 — Jen Nicholson and Rachel Kay — while Lisa Capoccia is running for the first time.
Click on the candidate’s name below to read their responses.
Candidate Q&As
(In order appearing on the ballot)
Find out more about the candidates by watching the replay of the School Committee Candidate Forum, below.