Dear Neighbors and Friends,
Many are cynical or feel hopeless about politics. Let’s concede that some reasons for that exist. But there are even more reasons for recommitting ourselves to the honorable tradition of “P”olitics as service to community and to others, especially so for us in Watertown.
With no need to deny the gamesmanship aspect of electoral politics, politics in Watertown is vibrant and decent. It is incumbent on all of us to keep it this way by shutting our doors to any attempts to undermine the service to the common good, rational, and compassionate spirit of our politics. At the same time, it is incumbent on all of us to support candidates that energize and advance our civic culture in Watertown.
Politics impacts all the important aspects of our lives, including schools. As the parents of five children in regular and special education, we feel the impact. In the years since we moved to Watertown, we have admired the number of residents who step out of their busy personal, family, and professional lives to walk into the sphere of “P”olitics to serve. To those neighbors and friends, we owe our gratitude, for they are essential to keep our politics both vibrant and sane.
One such neighbor and friend is Rachel Kay, who we know from the Boys & Girls Club and as a Lowell School parent. Rachel is experienced, committed, a data scientist, fact-driven, compassionate, and generous. She is clear-eyed and principled about the meaning of equality in education. She is gifted with intelligence and grit. As a parent, Rachel understands the daily juggling of family life, the needs of children, and the importance of our educational and community-based institutions in making life manageable for families and flourishing for their children.
Rachel is an outstanding candidate for our School Committee. She has earned our support, and we hope that you will give her candidacy your consideration.
Paulo & Lisa Barrozo
Russell Avenue