Vote Rachel Kay for School Committee
I am writing this letter to encourage residents to get out and vote for Rachel Kay for the School Committee. I have attended School Committee, Equity Audit, and Diversity Committee meetings for the past 3 years and see so many opportunities for improvement.
I know Rachel Kay would be a catalyst to make these improvements happen. She is a team player and accountability partner, who focuses on using data and measurable outcomes. Specifically, her experience and proven ability to work with various stakeholders within the city of Watertown will be vital when working with the new DEI Director of Watertown Schools.
I have also come to know Rachel as a mother and an active community member. I have seen so much commitment from her to make Watertown schools better for her family and mine. Whether it be formally in her role as an officer of the Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) or with the Commission on Disability, or informally as attendee at various school forums,for Rachel, every voice matters. She takes the time to hear by proactively providing space for voices and then follows up with action and communication to the community on behalf of said voices.
I will echo what the Watertown Fair Share Amendment Group said about Rachel because I have seen her in action for the past 3 years. I have also seen it in my work with her with the Watertown Community for Black Lives, such as setting up a voting table with World in Watertown during Watertown’s Juneteenth celebration. Rachel steps up when needed; takes initiative without being asked and facilitates valuable dialogue when it comes to Watertown Schools. I am voting for Rachel Kay on November 7 and I hope you will as well.
Tiffany and Eric York
(Tiffany and Eric are Watertown residents with 2 children in the Watertown Public School System, Tiffany is also a small business owner)
I, too, support Rachel Kay in her run for the school board!
She came to our house on a canvassing visit and we both had a chance to ask questions that really are important. The thing that impressed me was that she had very sensible answers to the questions and really listened to what we had to say on various issues.
For those things that she didn’t have answers for, she said she’d research them and get back to us.
I really encourage other voters to consider voting for her this year.
Patti Cassidy and David Kaiser