The following information was provided by the City of Watertown:
Edible Plants 2023 is the second iteration of the “Edible Plants” project. In the pilot cycle, 10 visual artists were selected to each create a 2-dimensional artwork based on an edible plant found in Watertown.
The finished artworks were then on display at four locations around Watertown before being auctioned off. The artists had their work reproduced in a coloring book that was made freely available throughout Watertown, led workshops, and participated in a moderated panel discussion. In 2024, the Public Arts & Culture Committee will put out a call for “Edible Plants 2024” inviting visual and culinary artists to participate.
In Edible Plants 2023, 10 visual artists will be selected to each create a 2-dimensional artwork, one for each of ten edible plants listed below. Ten literary artists will also be selected, to write in their preferred style about one plant from the list. Selected visual and literary artists will indicate their plant preference and have the plants assigned:
- Comfrey
- Milkweed
- Mullein
- Pokeweed
- Prickly Wild Rose
- Red Clover
- Shagbark Hickory
- Spicebush
- Trumpet Honeysuckle
- White Yarrow
Upon selection and contract agreement, each visual artist will be paid $375 and assigned their plant. Artists will be paid the remaining $375 upon completion and delivery of the artwork, a total of $750. Visual artists will have an 18×24” wooden artboard provided by the Public Arts & Culture Committee, that they must pick up in Watertown. The boards will be hung in portrait format. Visual artists will be informed of their literary artist plant pairing and are invited to collaborate if they wish (it is not required).
Upon selection and contract agreement, each literary artist will be paid $375 and assigned their plant. Artists will be paid the remaining $375 upon completion and delivery of the artwork, a total of $750. Literary artists will be asked to write 500-1000 words about their plant and the completed work will be displayed next to the visual artwork of their plant. They may explore whatever themes they believe to be most relevant, in whatever style they wish. Finished writing will be displayed next to the visual artwork on a matching artboard. Literary artists will be informed of their visual artist plant pairing and are invited to collaborate if they wish (it is not required).
Artist Selection
Artists will be selected by the Public Arts & Culture Committee and guest jurors based on a review of their work samples and their alignment with the Public Arts & Culture Committee’s mission and values (as evidenced by their artist statement and/or bio). Each artists’ application will be given a numerical score by each juror. Visual artists with the top ten combined scores and literary artists with the top ten combined scores will be reviewed and a final selection made at the discretion of the jury.
Selected artists will be required to sign a contract with the City of Watertown. Selected artists will receive a total of $750, $375 upon signing a contract with the city and $375 upon delivery of the finished artwork or writing.
Contact + Info Session
If you need clarification about Edible Watertown: Edible Plants and the application process, please contact Public Arts & Culture Planner, Liz Helfer.
Virtual Information Session – Edible Watertown: Edible Plants 2023
June 16, 7-8 p.m. Meeting ID: 812 9704 0297 Passcode: 641366 Phone: 16469313860
Zoom Link: https://watertown-ma.zoom.us/j/81297040297?pwd=Y0NWWmM3SGVRcS9LU2Erb2UzUjcydz09
Liz Helfer
Public Arts & Culture Planner
Community Development & Planning
149 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472
617-972-6417 Ext: 12167
See more information about Edible Watertown and how apply by clicking here.