Get Ready for the Watertown Arts Market — Artists, Sponsors & Volunteers Wanted

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The 2023 Watertown Arts Market will take place at Filippello Park on Saturday, Aug. 19.

The following information was provided by the Watertown Arts Market:

The Watertown Business Coalition is delighted to partner with the City of Watertown to announce the third annual Watertown Arts Market which will take place at Filippello Park on Grove Street on Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023 from 12-5 p.m.

This celebratory event brings together the abundance of artists, arts and cultural organizations, and related businesses serving Watertown. The Watertown Arts Market is free to attend. More information is available at

About the Watertown Arts Market

The Watertown Arts Market is a family-friendly outdoor event with a diverse selection of artists, authors, creatives, musicians, performers, arts and cultural organizations, and businesses. Each artist and organization will host a table or perform at the event. Guests can wander through the Market, learning about the artistic and cultural offerings in Watertown. The event will feature live performances and artist demonstrations, and art and other goods/wares will be available for purchase. Food from local restaurants and food trucks will also be available. Join your local artists for a fun day of arts and culture in Watertown!

“The Watertown Business Coalition is honored to partner with the City of Watertown and our tremendous community of Watertown artists to bring Watertown the 3rd Annual Watertown Arts Market,” says Watertown Business Coalition Co-President, Doug Orifice. Doug goes on to say, “In 2021, we wanted to provide an opportunity to show our community the resilience of our local artists and creatives, and to celebrate the numerous talents and experiences available to Watertown residents. The excitement, support and attendance for WAM 2021 exceeded all of our expectations and showed that a community event like The Watertown Arts Market builds connections among our artists and residents. It’s crucial to us that this event is free to the public, so that all may join in the celebration and support Watertown arts and culture.”

For Artists, Arts Organizations, and Arts Businesses

The Watertown Arts Market is committed to including a diverse range of arts and culture offerings across mediums and cultures. Participation is $10 for individual artists and nonprofit organizations and $30 for businesses. Registration is open through July 15, 2023, although we request that you register to express your interest as soon as possible. If you are interested in learning more, or would like to register, please visit or email for more information.

Call for Sponsors & Volunteers

The Watertown Business Coalition is honored to announce that the Watertown Arts Market is funded in part by the generous support of the Watertown Cultural Council and Massachusetts Cultural Council. The Watertown Arts Market also relies on community partners. If you are a local business or organization and are interested in partnering with us on this event, please visit to see our sponsorship levels, or email for more information.

We are looking for individuals, families, and businesses who are interested in helping out. If you are interested in volunteering at this event, please contact to learn more. Many thanks to the the Watertown Arts Market Committee who make this event possible: Kevin Carson, Monica Fairbairn, Liz Helfer, Connie Henry, Kristen Kenny, Doug Orifice, Vicky Sax, and Natalie Watanabe

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