High school seniors can apply for the 55th Lt. Paul Sullivan Scholarship. The deadline to apply for the scholarship named for a Watertown resident who was killed serving in Vietnam is April 13, 2023.
The organizers provided the following information:
We are looking for well-rounded student-athletes who are actively involved in their school, religion, and community. While grades and athletics are important components, CHARACTER is by far the most essential quality we look at in determining finalists.
Any residents of Watertown who fulfill the description above may apply.
If not a Watertown resident, a candidate may qualify for the scholarship if belonging to one of the following parishes: Sacred Heart (Newton), St. Mary’s (Waltham), and the collaboratives of St. Patrick’s (Watertown), Sacred Heart (Watertown), St. Luke’s (Belmont), or St. Joseph’s (Belmont).
Information about the Lt. Paul Sullivan Scholarship is online:
The application deadline is April 13, 2023
The top scholarship is $5,500. Additional scholarships will be awarded. Last year there were 15 scholarships totaling $34,500.
If you have any questions please contact Eleanor Donato at 617-484-5569 or donatomom@aol.com