The five-year Capital Improvement Plan includes 43 items, including 19 new items for Fiscal Year 2024. Projects in the pan include the new Watertown High School, the Victory Field track and courts area, the second part of the Arsenal Park renovation, and the demolition of the old Police Station.
In addition, the capital plan also includes a field house at Victory Field, an extension of the Community Path, replacement of the spray pad at Filippello Park, lighting improvements at Saltonstall Park, improvements to the baseball field at Casey Park, and improvements to Sullivan Playground.
There are also multiple projects at Watertown’s schools, improvement projects at the Library, the newly acquired Parker School office building, and at the John A. Ryan Skating Arena. Purchases of vehicles and equipment for the Fire Department and the Department of Public Works also made the list. The complete list can be seen below.
After the Council voted unanimously to support the Capital Improvement plan, Councilor Lisa Feltner said, “There are a lot of exciting things going on in Watertown.”
The plan was worked on by City officials and the Council’s Budget & Fiscal Oversight Committee. Vincent Piccirilli, the Council Vice President, thanked everyone who worked on the plan, including the other councilors on the committee — Nicole Gardner and Emily Izzo — City Manager George Proakis, retired City Auditor Tom Tracy (who is assisting the city part time), Treasurer Melissa Morrissey, and Megan Langan, Management Analyst with the Department of Public Works.
“It is really exciting — the amount of work we are doing in the community — and I really hope the public appreciates the investment we are making in Watertown with this (plan),” Piccirilli said.
Watertown’s Fiscal Year 2024-28 Capital Improvement Plan Items (see the entire report here):
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY17 proposed loan order, now revised to $1,125,000, for improvements to the Casey Park baseball area (was previously $950,000 with Design @ 100,000, Construction @ 850,000), subject to the condition that the Recreation Department shall hold community meetings to develop a design proposal and have an informational presentation to the City Council, for construction in Summer 2024.
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY17 loan order, now revised to $5,000,000, for Victory Field Phase 2 (was previously $3,000,000), in accordance with the Final Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Victory Field Phase 2 dated June 28, 2018 as approved by the City Council on August 14, 2018, and further, with a final community meeting to review the 75% design, for construction in Spring/Summer 2024.
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY18 proposed loan order or transfer of funds for $325,000 for the Community Path Design from Saltonstall Park to Taylor St, subject to the upcoming Watertown Square Study.
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY19 proposed loan order for $300,000 for the Saltonstall Park lighting improvements subject to the condition that the Recreation Department shall hold community meetings to develop a design proposal and an informational presentation to the City Council, for construction in Summer 2024.
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY20 proposed loan order for $3,000,000 for the Community Path Construction from Linear Park to Taylor St, subject to the design process outlined in recommendation #3 above, for construction in 2024.
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY21 revised proposed loan order for $5,835,000 ($6,350,000 – $992,000 savings for pre-purchase of play equipment) for renovations of Arsenal Park Phase B, now that the design has the final approval by the Conservation Commission, with a portion of the proposed loan order to be offset by developer mitigation funds, for construction in Fall 2023/Spring 2024.
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY21 proposed loan order, now $700,000, for Filippello Spray Park Renovations (was previously $400,000), for construction in Summer 2023.
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY22 proposed loan order or transfer of funds for Various School Improvements in the Middle School for $3,080,000 consisting of:
• Upgrade phone system @ 50,000 (see recommendation #23 below)
• Remodel bathrooms (8) @ 210,000
• Second floor air-conditioning @ 650,000
• New fire protection system @ 2,000,000
• First floor air-conditioning @ 170,000 - Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY22 proposed loan order, now $2,000,000, for connector roads/longer street projects (was previously $1,500,000), in accordance with the Public Works Committee report approved by the City Council on December 13, 2022 to reconstruct Morse St, for construction in 2023.
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY22 proposed loan order, now $700,000, for Sullivan Playground Improvements to tot lot and walkways (was previously $425,000), subject to the condition that the Recreation Department shall hold community meetings to develop a design proposal and have an informational presentation to the City Council, for construction in Summer 2026.
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY22 $375,000 proposed loan order for Victory Field Phase 3 Fieldhouse Design, subject to the condition that the Recreation Department shall hold community meetings to develop a design proposal and have an informational presentation to the City Council, for construction in Summer 2026.
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY22 $265,000 proposed loan order for Skating Rink Boards and Glass Replacement, for construction in 2023.
- Proceed with the FY23 $265,000 proposed loan order for Administration Building Improvements, consisting of:
• Design – Masonry & Metal Repairs by Door Entrances @ 40,000
• Design – Replace HVAC HAU-1 above Council Chambers @ 120,000
• Design – Lighting Fixtures & Accessibility Issues @ 60,000
• Design – Roof Shingle Replacement/Roof Refurbishment @ 45,000 - Proceed with the FY23 $500,000 proposed loan order for Information Technology, consisting of:
• Infrastructure Improvements @ 300,000
• Permitting and Transparency Dashboards @ 100,000
• Document Scanning @ 100,000 - Proceed with the FY23 $325,000 proposed loan order for Library Improvements, consisting of:
• Water Infiltration Repairs Children’s Room @ 125,000
• Replace Boilers and Pumps @ 200,000 - Proceed with the FY23 $2,230,000 proposed loan order for DPW Projects and Equipment, consisting of:
• Roof Replacement @ 2,000,000
• Cemetery Off Road Vehicle 4×4@ 30,000
• Water Heater Replacement@ 200,000 (previous mis-labeled as boiler) - Proceed with the FY23 $4,000,000 proposed loan order for Victory Field Phase 3 Fieldhouse Renovation, subject to the design process outlined in recommendation #11 above, for construction in Summer 2026.
- Proceed with the FY23 proposed loan order for $500,000 for the How Park new playground equipment and resurfacing, subject to the condition Recreation Department shall hold community meetings to develop a design proposal and have an informational presentation to the City Council, for construction in Summer 2025. (note this was misspelled as Howe Park)
- Confirm the previous recommendation, in consideration of the ongoing Master Plan/Feasibility Study for the Phillips School/Senior Center site that any capital improvements to the Phillips School/Senior Center should be placed on hold.
- Proceed with the FY23 $200,000 proposed loan order for Skating Rink Replacement of Stands (ADA), for construction in 2023.
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the School Department’s FY23 proposed loan order for Improvements in the Middle School for $1,340,000 consisting:
• Design Courtyard & Exterior Grounds Landscape @ 120,000
• Renovate Courtyard & Exterior Grounds Landscape @ 275,000
• First floor HVAC @ 945,000 - Proceed with the School Department’s FY24 capital appropriation request of $557,000 for projects as shown in the CIP as follows:
• $390,000 for various items to be funded with tax revenues, consisting of:
i. Cunniff Audio System in Cafetorium @50,000
ii. Hosmer Audio System in Cafetorium @50,000
iii. Middle School classroom furniture @ 25,000
iv. Middle School paint hallways & classrooms @40,000
v. Middle School upgrade camera system @ 50,000
vi. Middle School classroom shades @ 15,000
vii. Middle School Design Roof Refurbishing @ 50,000
viii. Middle School Repair Carpet Damage @ 40,000
ix. High School furniture @ 25,000
x. Phillips School furniture/equipment/furnishings @15,000
xi. District update food service equipment @ 30,000
• A proposed loan order for Various School Improvements for $167,000 consisting:
i. Middle School Design HVAC (VRF) Basement @ 72,000
ii. District security systems enhancements @ 95,000 - Concur with the School Department’s plan to address the gap between what the School Committee voted for projects to be funded in FY24, and what the Manager moved to future Fiscal Years in order to smooth out the capital spending peak that would occur in FY24:
• Cunniff and Hosmer Wallpaper/Decals in Stairway Walls (#191 $30K, #200 $30K moved to FY26): the School Department will see what capital or operating funds remain at the end of FY23, and will try to perform this work in FY24 with those funds.
• Cunniff and Hosmer Cell Communications Enhancements (#192 $35K, #203 $35K moved to FY27): the School Department will use operating funds remaining at the end of FY23, and will perform this work in FY24.
• Hosmer Swing Gate at the North Parking Lot (#202 $40K, moved to FY25): the School Department will repurpose the FY22 proposed loan order for $50K for the Middle School phone system upgrade (see recommendation # 8 above), and will perform this work in FY24, with a request for a community meeting beforehand.
• Middle School Soundproofing Lower Gym (#228 $110K, moved to FY28): the School Department will use money left over from various FY22 capital projects to perform this work in FY24.
• Middle School Portable Wall Dividers (#226 $25K, moved to FY27): the School Department will use operating funds remaining at the end of FY23, and will perform this work in FY24. - For the High School MSBA Project: the $198,844,252 loan order was approved on March 22, 2022, with the MSBA Estimated Grant reimbursement of $44,283,365. With the General Contractor bids due May 3, 2023, there is a potential that total price will be higher than the budget, and an additional loan order or transfer of funds will be needed for the project.
- Proceed with the FY24 $1,000,000 proposed loan order for demolition of the Former Police Station, subject to the upcoming Watertown Square Study.
- Proceed with the FY24 $1,150,000 proposed loan orders for Administration Building
Renovation Projects, consisting of:
• Masonry & Metal Repairs by Door Entrances @ 500,000
• Replace HVAC HAU-1 above Council Chambers @ 650,000 - Proceed with the FY24 $1,275,000 proposed loan orders for Parker Annex Renovation Projects,
consisting of:
• Replace Main Electrical Service @ 100,000
• Install Building Generator @ 300,000
• Point/Repair Masonry Façade @ 125,000
• Install Fire Suppression System @ 750,000 - Proceed with the FY24 $1,400,000 proposed loan orders for Information Technology, consisting of:
• Infrastructure Improvements @ 300,000
• Permitting and Transparency Dashboards @ 150,000
• Document Scanning @ 200,000
• MUNIS System Enhancements @ 150,000
• IT Governance @ 100,000
• Parker Annex Technology @ 500,000 - Proceed with the FY24 $557,000 proposed loan orders for the Fire Department, consisting of:
• East End Fire Station HVAC/Plumbing @ 126,000
• East End Fire Station Painting-Carpet-Lighting @ 121,000
• Main Station Interior Repairs @ 100,000
• Main Station Emergency Generator Replacement @ 90,000
• Station Alerting System @ 120,000 - Proceed with the FY24 $786,300 proposed loan order for Library Improvements, consisting of:
• Design/Engineer Chiller & Roof Top Units @ 50,000
• Design Heating System & Controls Replacement @120,000
• Replace Chiller @ 200,000
• Replace Roof Top Units/Compressors @ 416,300 - Proceed with the FY24 $37,000 proposed loan order or transfer of funds for the Police Department, to Replace Access Control/Building Video System Servers.
- Proceed with the FY24 $2,610,000 proposed loan orders for the DPW Department, consisting of:
• Solar Canopy DPW Parking Lot @ 1,250,000
• Add EV Stations @ 90,000
• Highway Rack Truck @ 150,000
• Highway Crew Truck @ 180,000
• Salter 6 Wheel Snow Fighter @ 300,000
• Salt Shed Repair @ 400,000
• Heavy Duty 4×4 Forklift @ 100,000
• Tree Chipper @ 75,000
• Parks & Forestry Utility Truck @ 65,000 - Proceed with the FY24 $650,000 proposed loan order for Lowell Playground Equipment and Resurfacing, subject to the condition that the Recreation Department shall hold community meetings to develop a design proposal and have an informational presentation to the City Council, for construction in Summer 2024.
- Proceed with the FY24 $171,000 proposed loan orders for Skating Rink, consisting of:
• Electric Ice Resurfacing Machine @ 150,000
• Electric Panel Upgrade @ 21,000 - Proceed with the FY23 proposed loan order, now revised to $2,000,000, for connector roads/longer street projects (was previously $1,500,000), in accordance with the Public Works Committee report approved by the City Council on December 13, 2022 for repair of Fifth Avenue and related work on Watertown Street, for construction in 2024.
- Proceed with the FY24 $2,000,000 proposed loan order for Land Acquisition for Storage and Staging for the Mt. Auburn St Reconstruction project.
- Refer to the Public Works Committee, for policy guidance, plans for the FY24 $2,625,000 proposed loan order (FY24 CIP Lines 317 & 322) for local road construction projects in the summer of 2024), in accordance with Resolution 2013-76 Watertown’s Ongoing Capital Project Budget Guidelines.
- Proceed with the FY24 $2,100,000 proposed loan order for connector roads/longer street projects, in accordance with the Public Works Committee report approved by the City Council on December 13, 2022 for repair of Forest and Springfield Streets, for construction in 2025.
- Proceed with the FY24 $300,000 proposed loan order for Underground Ducts for Utilities.
- Concur with the Administration’s decision to move the FY23 MWRA Sewer Inflow & Infiltration Local Financial Assistance Program for $1,050,000 interest-free loan order to FY25.
- Proceed with the FY24 Water/Sewer proposed MWRA loan orders:
• Sewer Inflow & Infiltration Local Financial Assistance Program for $1,320,000
consisting of a $990,000 grant and a 330,000 interest-free loan.
• Local Water System Assistance Program $500,000 interest-free loan to replace outdated unlined cast iron water mains.
• Local Water System Assistance Program $300,000 interest-free loan to replace lead service lines. - Re-confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY19 proposed Sewer Enterprise Fund loan order for $270,000 for a Heavy-duty Crane.
- Proceed with FY24 $1,370,000 Sewer proposed loan orders:
• Sewer System Improvements @ 750,000
• Sewer Vac @ 430,000
• Swap Dump Truck @ 190,000.
Remember, please sign a full name on comments. In response to some that didn’t have a full name –
Re: It is not clear what will happen after the old Police Station is torn down. The City is starting a study of what to do with Watertown Square and that property will be part of the study.
Re: Highland Street is still in the budget, it was delayed by supply chain problems on granite curbs. I believe it will be done this building season.
I’m curious what item 36 means: “Proceed with the FY24 $2,000,000 proposed loan order for Land Acquisition for Storage and Staging for the Mt. Auburn St Reconstruction project.” Does this mean the city is looking to buy property for storage and staging during this project? If so, is there a particular lot they are eyeing?