Groups planning to participate in Watertown’s Memorial Day Parade can now register.
The parade will take place on Monday, May 29, 2023. Watertown Veterans Agent Patrick George sent out the registration form, on which participants can sign up in one of three categories: Business, Civic/Non-Profit, or Neighborhood. More information is available on the Registration Form that can be viewed below.
The deadline to register is April 29, 2023. For more information contact the Veterans’ Services Officer, Patrick George, at 617-972-6416 or
Registration Form:
I am a student From Hopedale Jr Sr High School and i am in the Marching band as well. I am a Taps Bugle player and looking for anyone who needs a Taps Player contact me at i am also a drum major, band officer, Tri-M music Honors Socity (Historian) and a section leader as well.