Watertown Author’s Book Added to Library of Congress

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Watertown’s Fred Grandinetti had his book about Popeye cartoons of the 1960s accepted into the Library of Congress’ reference collection. He is pictured with Popeye and Brutus dolls which represent how they looked in the cartoons of the era covered by the book.

A Watertown author recently had one of his titles added to The Library of Congress’ reference collection.

Fred M. Grandinetti’s Popeye the Sailor; The 1960’s TV Cartoons, made the select list of books cataloged in the Library of Congress.

“I am very proud to have one of Popeye’s cartoon series included in their collection,” said Grandinetti, who said the book was accepted after going through the application process for inclusion in the collection.

The book covers the history of the cartoon sailor’s television films produced from 1960 through early 1962. 

“They were cranked out quickly to cash in on the popularity Popeye’s older films were having on television, and they remain a controversial topic when discussing Popeye’s animated cartoon career,” Grandinetti said.

The book, published in 2022 by BearManor Media, has received favorable reviews from Cartoon ResearchAnimated Views, Fulvue Drive-In and Forces of Geek. Grandinetti said he is working on another book with the publisher, but did not reveal details. 

Grandinetti can also be seen on Watertown Cable where he hosts Drawing with Fred. He started the show in 1992, and it features classic cartoons, including Popeye.

Popeye the Sailor; The 1960’s TV Cartoons is available at the Harvard Book Store and on Amazon.

2 thoughts on “Watertown Author’s Book Added to Library of Congress

  1. Congrats Fred. This work has been your passion since we were kids. Glad to see you getting the recognition you have earned!

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