The draft of Watertown’s most important planning document has been released, and City officials want input from the public about what’s included in the plan that will help shape Watertown’s future for years.
The Comprehensive Plan was first approved in 2015, and has led to much of the recent development around town. Over 75 percent of the goals of the first masterplan have been met, and the City Council asked for it toe be updated.
Topics covered in the Comprehensive Plan update include land use; economic development; transportation, circulation, and parking; and open space and recreation. A particular focus will be Watertown Square, and other commercial districts in the City.
People can view the draft of the Comprehensive Plan, as well as the draft of the Open Space and Recreation Plan online (see links below).
The public is invited to learn more and give their thoughts at a Draft Comprehensive Plan Open House on Thursday, March 9, 6:30-8 p.m. in the Watertown Savings Bank Room at the Watertown Free Public Library. The event will be both in-person and streamed online. Comments can also be left on the City’s website.
See more about the Draft Comprehensive Plan, and how to give input in the following information from the City of Watertown:
Our Comprehensive Planning initiative is nearing the finish line!
We are excited to release the draft plan document for review. We will present highlights of the plan at the March 9th open house and provide opportunities for review and comment. The revised draft plan will be presented to the Planning Board and City Council this spring.
As the public planning process nears its conclusion, we still want to hear from Watertown’s residents, property owners, business owners, and workers. We will be asking for feedback on the plan’s priorities to understand what’s most important to you.
This interactive process is led by the City of Watertown (MA) Department of Community Development and Planning and a consultant team in partnership with the Planning Advisory Committee. This project page will be updated with interactive engagement activities, meeting notifications and summaries, draft documents, and more.
See the Draft Comprehensive Plan here.
See the Draft Open Space and Recreation Plan here.
Draft Plan Open House
Join us for a public open house to review the draft comprehensive plan. A brief presentation of plan highlights will precede the poster gallery open house. Attendees will be invited to share their thoughts about the plan’s priorities.
Thursday, March 9 from 6:30 – 8:00pm
Watertown Savings Bank Room at the Watertown Free Public Library
Click here to RSVP to help us plan for the open house. The presentation will also be streamed via Zoom and recorded. Click the following link near the meeting time to join the webinar: https://bit.ly/3ROipPP
Also submit comments about the plans on the Comprehensive Plan website – click here.