LETTER: Medicare Advantage Helps Seniors Stay Active, Healthy

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Dear Editor,

As I recently read in a news article, happiness spikes in our 70s. Seniors are staying healthier and living longer than ever before, and they enjoy their retirement years with lots of free time to spend with friends and family.

However, there are health complications that come with age, and that is why it is important for seniors to have quality health insurance. For me and over 30 million other seniors and people with disabilities, Medicare Advantage delivers affordable access to care.

My Medicare Advantage plan prioritizes preventative care, so that my older years are spent less frequently in hospitals. Additionally, the program offers additional benefits, such as gym
memberships and fitness classes, where I can stay active and connected to my community. I also enjoy the ability to use telehealth and take my appointments virtually.

I believe Medicare Advantage helps seniors live more active, connected, and healthier lives,
and ultimately, age happily.

Annette Yunghans
Watertown Resident

One thought on “LETTER: Medicare Advantage Helps Seniors Stay Active, Healthy

  1. For some people Medicare Advantage plans work well. Many basic needs are covered as these plans often cover dental, eye care and certain prescriptions all for one cost. However, people need to seriously investigate the pros and cons of these plans and others. You will need to see doctors and hospitals in networks. Otherwise you might incur big charges. If you have a more serious illness, all of your costs may not be covered and some of these costs may be huge.

    This is again a case where people need to do their own homework and pick a plan that meets their individual health conditions, possible future needs and monetary risk tolerance. Sometimes saving on some smaller medical needs may not be prudent for the long haul. We do tend to need more medical care as we age. Volunteers of the Shine program at the Senior Center help people review different plans and determine the best plans for them. Medicare is certainly a very confusing and daunting system.

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