The following information was provided by the Watertown Police Department:
The City of Watertown sells a limited number of parking permits to local business owners/employees on a quarterly basis.
The purchase of the quarterly parking permits for the Watertown Square Municipal Lot & the Nichols Avenue Municipal Lot for January – March 2023 will be available on Tuesday, December 20, 2022 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Business permits cost $120 a quarter (Price subject to change) and can be paid via cash or check.
- Limit two (2) permits per business
- Forty (40) available for the Watertown Square lot, 20 available for the Nichols Ave lot on a first come first serve basis.
To purchase please enter the building and proceed to the Treasurer/Collectors Office.
ALL permits will require business information (i.e. proof of employment), current license and valid vehicle registrations to obtain a permit.
Please complete the fillable form (click here) in advance if possible.
The following are the requirements to purchase a business parking permit – NO EXCEPTIONS.
Copies of:
Valid Driver’s License
Valid vehicle registration
Proof of employment from a local business (i.e. Business Card or Letter from employer on company letterhead)
Proof of payment of all outstanding parking tickets
Please note, the parking passes are only valid for the vehicle registered with your pass and are only for use in that specific parking lot. If you have any questions regarding the required documents, or if you are unsure of a balance owed on parking tickets, please contact our office at 617-972-6453.