On Tuesday, Massachusetts voters will choose several new statewide officers, including governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general, and have four ballot questions to consider. Locally, candidates for the State House and other offices are running unopposed.
Polls will be open on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022, from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Who’s on the Ballot
Governor & Lieutenant Governor
On the ballot are Republicans are Geoff Diehl and Leah Allen, Democrats Maura Healey and Kim Driscoll, and the Libertarian candidates are Kevin Reed and Peter Everett.
Attorney General
The Democratic nominee Andrea Joy Campbell faces Republican James McMahon.
Secretary of State
Incumbent William Galvin is challenged Republican Rayla Campbell.
Incumbent Deborah Goldberg, a Democrat, and Libertarian Cristina Crawford are on the ballot.
Five people are on the ballot: Republican, Anthony Amore, Democrat Diana DiZoglio, Green-Rainbow Party’s Gloria Caballero-Roca, Workers Party’s Domenic Giannone III, and Libertarian Daniel Riek.
Incumbent Katherine Clark, a Democrat, faces Republican Caroline Colarusso.
Governor’s Councilor
Incumbent Democrat Marilyn Pettito Devaney of Watertown is unopposed.
State Senator
Democrat Will Brownsberger is running unopposed for re-election. No Republicans are on the ballot.
State Representative
The two incumbent state reps, both Dems, will be running unopposed: Steve Owens and John Lawn. A change from previous elections due to redistricting is that Precinct 9 will now be in Lawn’s district (10th Middlesex) after previously being in Owen’s district (29th Middlesex).
District Attorney
Democrat Marian Ryan is unopposed.
Peter Koutoujian, a Democrat, has no opposition.
View Sample Ballots
View Ballot Question Information
Question 1: Additional Tax on Income Over One Million Dollars
Question 2: Regulation of Dental Insurance
Question 3: Expanded Availability for Licenses for the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages
Question 4: Eligibility for Driver’s Licenses
Early Voting by Mail
To request an early vote by mail ballot:
- The deadline to request a mail-in ballot was Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 5:00 PM.
- Your ballot request must be signed by the applicant in order to process your request.
- Your ballot will be mailed to the address you put on the application.
All ballots returned in person or by drop box must be delivered by 8:00 PM on Election Day. Ballots returned by mail from inside the United States must reach your local election office by 8:00 PM on November 12, 2022 in order to be counted. Mailed ballots received after 8:00 PM on Election Day can only be counted if they are postmarked by Election Day.
Ballots cannot be dropped off at a polling place on Election Day
You can Track Your Ballot to ensure that it has been received and processed.
Polling Locations
To check what precinct you are in, where you will vote, and who is on your ballot, enter your address on the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website (click here).
2022 Watertown Election Locations
- Precinct 1: Hellenic Center
- Precinct 2: Hosmer School
- Precinct 3: Hellenic Center
- Precinct 4: Phillips School
- Precinct 5: Phillips School
- Precinct 6: Hibernian Hall
- Precinct 7: Watertown Middle School
- Precinct 8: Watertown Middle School
- Precinct 9: Watertown Middle School
- Precinct 10: Watertown Police Station
- Precinct 11: Cunniff School
- Precinct 12: Cunniff School
Have questions about voting/elections? Contact the City Clerk’s Office via email, or by calling 617-972-6486.
You forgot to mention that it’s a Professional Development Day for the teachers and no kids will be at the schools so the voting won’t interfere with them. thank you
To be clear, if you are returning a ballot tomorrow, you can mail it, return it in person or put it in the drop box. To return the ballot in person, you must go to City Hall on Main Street, not a polling place. If you are using the drop box, then you will find it on the westside of City Hall, the side that faces the Saltonstall Park.
Additional information from Secretary of State Galvin:
Massachusetts Voters’ Bill of Rights
Your voting rights are protected. These rights are guaranteed to qualified registered voters.
You have the right to vote if you are a qualified registered voter.
You have the right to cast your ballot in a manner that ensures privacy. You have the right to vote without any person trying to influence your vote and to vote in a booth that prevents others from watching you mark your ballot.
You have the right to remain in the voting booth for five (5) minutes if there are other voters waiting and for ten (10) minutes if there are no other voters waiting.
You have the right to receive up to two (2) replacement ballots if you make a mistake and spoil your ballot.
You have the right to request assistance when voting from anyone of your choice. If you do not bring someone with you, you have the right to have two (2) poll workers assist you.
You have the right to vote if you are disabled. The polling place must be accessible, and there must be an accessible voting booth.
You have the right to vote if you cannot read or write or cannot read or write English.
You have the right to vote but must show identification if: you are a first-time voter who registered to vote by mail and did not submit identification with the voter registration form; or your name is on the inactive voter list; or your vote is being challenged; or if requested by a poll worker. Acceptable forms of identification are: Massachusetts driver’s license, other printed documentation containing your name and address such as a recent utility bill, rent receipt on landlord’s letterhead, lease, or a copy of a voter registration acknowledgment or receipt.
You have the right to vote by absentee ballot if: you will be absent from your city or town on Election Day; or if you have a physical disability that prevents your voting at the polling place; or if you cannot vote at the polls due to religious belief.
You have the right to cast a provisional ballot if you believe you are a qualified registered voter but a poll worker tells you that you are ineligible to vote.
You have the right to follow up any challenge to your right to vote through the complaint process.
You have the right to vote if you are not currently incarcerated for a felony conviction and have registered as a voter after your release.
You have the right to take this Voters’ Bill of Rights or any other papers, including a sample ballot, voter guide or campaign material into the voting booth with you. Please remember to remove all papers when you leave the booth.
You have the right to vote at your polling place any time between 7am and 8pm for state and federal elections—hours may vary for local elections. If you are in line at your polling place when the polls close at 8 pm, you have the right to vote.
You have the right to bring your children into the voting booth with you.
If you feel that your right to vote has been violated in any way, call the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Elections Division at 1-800-462-VOTE (8683). This call is free within Massachusetts.
Thanks Bill Galvin, I’m sure it will be another drama free Election!