The following information was provided by the Watertown Police Department.
Oct. 30, 2:45 a.m.: A witness called 911 after seeing a man breaking the glass front door of a business on Walnut Street and entering the building. Police responded and found the suspect walking up Walnut Street. The man said he was trying to locate a friend and thought it was his building. Police found a hole in the glass door big enough for someone to fit through and glass everywhere. The metal door frame and the lock were damaged. Police placed Boyan Zhang, 23, from Boston, under arrest for malicious destruction of property and trespassing. The damage will cost approximately $1,500 to repair. Nothing was taken from the building.
Oct. 24, 6 p.m.: An Apple laptop was taken from Best Buy. The manager did not notice until closing at 8 p.m. Looking at the security video he saw at 6 p.m. a man went over to the table and removed the anti-theft device, cutting it with what looked like a knife. The man took it and left without paying. The suspect is described as a Black male, age 30-40 years old, wearing all black clothing including a black hat with a white design on it. Police are investigating.
Three catalytic converter thefts were reported. On Oct. 25, at 3 a.m. one was discovered on Williams Street. It was taken from a Toyota Prius. The second was at Repton Circle and happened between Oct. 24 and 25. It was taken from a Toyota Prius. A Union Street resident reported a catalytic converter theft from a Honda Hatch sometime overnight from the 24th to 25th. Police are investigating.
Oct. 25, 3 p.m.: A woman was spotted in Target pushing a shopping cart around and putting clothing, alcohol and a small appliance inside and left without paying. The 19 items were valued at a total of $1,866. Police are trying to identify the suspect.
Oct. 25, 5:45 p.m.: A bike was stolen from Woodview Way. It was taken between Oct. 10 and Oct. 25 from a storage room. It was a Specialized Tarmac valued at $6,000.
Oct. 25 5 p.m.: A man was seen exiting Target and dropped items in the parking lot that he appeared to be hiding. The man then tried to open several car doors. Police arrived and approached the man. He had a crossover body purse, and had some items hidden in his clothing and put other items in the business. He had two sets of headphones and a refrigerator filter, worth a total of $181.06. He said he was looking for a friend’s car. Police summoned the 35 year old man from Middleboro to Waltham District Court on a charge of shoplifting.
Oct. 26, 2:25 p.m.: A resident ordered a package from Amazon but did not receive it. The resident found a number on the internet for Amazon and it. The person who answered claimed to be a manager. The person convinced the resident to take out $3,000 from her bank account and convert it to crypto currency. Later she realized it was a scam, and the number was a fake one. Police and her bank are investigating.
Oct. 26, 4:45 p.m.: A Charles River Road resident was contacted by a person calling themselves Mary Glen on WhatsApp. They had communicated for a few months, and the victim asked the person to go to CVS and buy $1,200 in gift cards and send her the codes. After doing so the person realized the person had blocked the person on WhatsApp.
Oct. 27, 12 p.m.: A Warren Street resident received an email from Walmart confirming delivery of a package. When the resident went to find it the package was gone. Police are investigating.
Oct. 27, 1 p.m.: Police responded to Perkins School for a case of check fraud. The school sent two checks to vendors and were cashed. After that, the checks had somehow been obtained by someone who changed the name on the “pay to” line to themselves and cashed them for a total of $18,000. They were deposited online. Police are working with TD Bank on the forged checks investigation.
Oct. 29, 8:40 p.m.: An officer patrolling spotted a person in the vehicle next to him looking at his cell phone and going through pages. The vehicle was pulled over on Galen Street and when speaking with the driver it was discovered that he had a license but it was suspended. The 28-year-old Watertown man was summoned to Waltham District Court for operating with a suspended license.
Oct. 29, 9 p.m.: A vehicle was broken into near Best Buy in the Watertown Mall parking lot. It was parked there for about nine hours. The car was rummaged through and a pair of sunglasses valued at $400 were taken, along with eyeglasses valued at $200. Police are investigating.
Oct. 30, 7:15 a.m.: Police patrolling spotted a side mirror hanging off a vehicle parked on Waverley Avenue. They spoke to the owner who said the damage was new, and must have occurred between Oct. 29 at noon and Oct. 30 at 7 a.m. Police are investigating.
Oct. 30, 8 p.m.: An employee parked his bike at a rack at Arsenal Yards and when he left work it was missing. It was a Mongoose Dolomite with large tires, black handlebars, a green logo, and green lettering. The bike is valued at $450.
A huge catalytic converter theft ring was busted:
The Watertown police should follow up.
Is there no Massachusetts connection?
It is very hard to believe that the police cannot track down where these thieves dispose of the catalytic converters and then bust the ring.
Of course, who knows whether the courts will just slap the offenders on the wrist and let them out on warrants and then they never show up.