Charlie Breitrose A 71 bus run by the MBTA.
The following information was provided by MassDOT:
The Bus Network Redesign project has released a Revised Bus Network map. The map can be found on the project website.
In May 2022, the Bus Network Redesign project released a Draft Bus Network Map and sought public feedback. Over the spring and summer, we received over 20,000 comments on the Draft Bus Network Map. The project team has reviewed and incorporated that feedback into the Revised Bus Network.
The Revised Bus Network still increases service by 25% across the system and doubles the number of high frequency corridors (buses every 15-minutes or better, all day, 7-days a week).
We encourage you to visit the project website and learn more about the Revised Bus Network.
Materials Available
You can view the updated network on the project website, including:
- Regional Map – This static map shows the proposed redesigned bus network at a regional level.
- Interactive Remix map, which allows you to zoom in and out, pan around, and click on specific routes to get detailed information about schedules and runtime.
- Table of changes, by route number, from the proposed map (released in May 2022) and the updated map.
Updates to the May 2022 Proposed Bus Network
Changes were made to 85 of the 133 proposed routes in the May 2022 Draft Bus Network. These changes include new routing, restoration of existing routes, addition or subtraction of proposed routes, extensions of routes, and modifications to route schedules.
Changes were made for five primary reasons:
- To respond to public feedback received on the draft bus network proposal.
- To improve access to hospitals, senior centers, and other destinations.
- To reduce walk distances for seniors and other riders and in locations with challenging topography.
- To preserve existing one-seat rides to many destinations.
- To balance resources and stay within the limit of buses available during peak times, and within the overall service limit of 25% more service above the existing network.
For a complete list and description of changes, please view the Table of Changes.
Reminder: Public Meeting on Wednesday, November 2 at 6:00 PM
This is also a reminder that the next public meeting for the Bus Network Redesign will be on Wednesday, November 2 at 6:00 PM. At this meeting the project team will present the updated network and answer questions about it. You can visit the event page here.
The meeting will be held online, via Zoom. To pre-register, please click this
link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvdOmhrjMvHdQYYvtsNVhyxabXkh7AvAi7
Stay Connected
If you would like to share comments about the revised network with the Implementation Team, please complete this Comment Form.
You can find more details about Bus Network Redesign and other Better Bus Project initiatives on the project website. We will continue to provide updates to you on these efforts and inform you of opportunities to provide your feedback.
Feel free to reach out to the Better Bus Project team at BetterBusProject@mbta.com with any questions and visit mbta.com/BetterBus to learn more about our ongoing efforts to improve the bus system.
If you would like to receive email updates about the Better Bus Project, please sign up here.
Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the MBTA does not discriminate against any person in its programs, services and activities based on race, color or national origin.
Accessibility accommodations and language services will be provided free of charge, upon request, as available. Such services include documents in alternate formats, translated documents, assistive listening devices, and interpreters (including American Sign Language). For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation and/or language services, please email apoggenburg@reginavilla.com or call 617-357-5772 x26.
To learn more about your civil rights or to file a complaint, please contact:
MBTA Title VI Specialist
Office of Diversity and Civil Rights
10 Park Plaza
Boston, MA 02116
(617) 222-3200 for Relay Service dial 711
E-mail: MBTACivilRights@mbta.com
Website: www.mbta.com/TitleVI
For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation and/or language services, please email apoggenburg@reginavilla.com or call 617-357-5772 x26. To learn more about your civil rights or to file a complaint, please call (617) 222-3200 (for Relay Service dial 711) or email MBTACivilRights@mbta.com.
Para más información o para pedir arreglos razonables y/o servicios lingüísticos, por favor envíe un e-mail a apoggenburg@reginavilla.com o llame a 617-357-5772 x26. Para aprender más sobre sus derechos civiles o presentar una querella, por favor llame a (617) 222-3200 (marque 711 para servicio relé) o envíe un e-mail a MBTACivilRights@mbta.com.
如需進一步瞭解或要求合理的便利設備和/或語言服務,請電郵apoggenburg@reginavilla.com 或致電617-357-5772 轉26。
如需進一步瞭解民事權利,或提交申訴,請致電(617) 222-3200(中繼服務,請撥打711)或電郵 MBTACivilRights@mbta.com
如需进一步了解或要求合理的便利设备和/或语言服务,请电邮 apoggenburg@reginavilla.com 或致电617-357-5772 转26。
如需进一步了解民事权利,或提交申诉,请致电(617) 222-3200(中继服务,请拨打711)或电邮 MBTACivilRights@mbta.com
Para mais informações, ou para solicitar serviços de acesso e/ou linguísticos em termos razoáveis, contactar por email para apoggenburg@reginavilla.com ou pelo telefone 617-357-5772 x26. Para mais informações sobre os seus direitos civis ou para apresentação de queixas, contactar pelo telefone (617) 222-3200 (para Relay Service marcar 711) ou por correio electrónico MBTACivilRights@mbta.com.
Pour plus d’informations ou pour obtenir un accommodement raisonnable et/ou des services linguistiques, veuillez envoyer un courriel apoggenburg@reginavilla.com ou composez le 617-357-5772 x26. Pour en savoir plus sur vos droits civils ou déposer une plainte, veuillez appeler le (617) 222-3200 (pour service de relais composez 711) ou par courriel MBTACivilRights@mbta.com.
Để biết thêm chi tiết hoặc để yêu cầu những hỗ trợ hợp lý và/hoặc các dịch vụ ngôn ngữ, vui lòng email apoggenburg@reginavilla.com hoặc gọi 617-357-5772 x26. Để biết thêm về các quyền công dân của quý vị hoặc để khiếu nại, vui lòng gọi (617) 222-3200 (gọi bấm 711 nếu cần Dịch vụ Chuyển tiếp) hoặc email MBTACivilRights@mbta.com.