The City of Watertown recently held a pair of in-person workshops to hear from people for the updating of the document that will shape the future of the City: the Comprehensive Plan. Those who did not attend the meetings can participate in the virtual workshop.
The Comprehensive Plan guides the future not just for economic development, but also for housing, transportation, open space and recreation, and sustainability. The original plan was adopted in 2015 and the City is updating it in 2022.
The City sent out the following information about the virtual Comprehensive Plan workshop:
The City of Watertown’s virtual workshop for the Comprehensive Plan is live! Visit our project website to review recent meeting materials about draft goals and preliminary strategies. Then let us know what you think by completing our surveys. This ‘anytime’ virtual workshop will be available until mid-October, 2022.
Visit the Comprehensive Plan Virtual Workshop by clicking here: http://virtualengagementworkbench.azurewebsites.net/Watertown/
I hope people will take advantage of this survey to give input on the future of Watertown. This comprehensive plan takes place every 7 years, so the time is now to share your ideas and concerns. This is the stage of planning where you may have an impact. If you wait until the community, zoning and planning meetings come up, it’s too late. Plans are already in place by then. PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS TO PRESERVE OR MAKE WATERTOWN A BETTER PLACE . Don’t leave it to the couple hundred people who showed up at the meetings to determine our future.
Thanks Joan. Just note that there is no set timeline to review the Comprehensive Plan so it could be some time after this until it is changed.